



凯利凭借1973年的“龙”中的动作和单行而声名鹊起,并继续饰演其他几部20世纪70年代的动作片,其中包括“黑带琼斯”(1974)和“One Down,Two to Go”(1976).


“我打破了色彩障碍 – 我是第一位成为电影明星的黑人武术家,”凯利在2010年接受“洛杉矶时报”采访时说道。 “很高兴看到有多少人还记得这一点,因为在很长一段时间里,我在电影方面做得并不多。”

他的最后一个角色是2009年直播视频动作喜剧“Afro Ninja”中的一个客串。但根据凯利在2010年给KatoFilms的采访,他可以采取更多的部分.

“我每年都会收到三部电影,即使是今天,”他说。 “但剧本非常糟糕,我的角色非常糟糕,我拒绝这样做。我非常关注我为年幼孩子屏幕上放置的图像类型。…所以我什么都不做。如果我从来没有做另一部电影,对我来说没关系,因为我对自己的所作所为非常满意。“



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or sentiment. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Actor and martial arts master Jim Kelly, known for his role as Williams in the classic Bruce Lee film “Enter the Dragon,” passed away on Saturday. Kellys ex-wife, Marilyn Dishman, confirmed his death in a Facebook post on Sunday. Kelly rose to fame with his moves and one-liners in “Dragon” in 1973 and went on to star in several other action films of the 1970s, including “Black Belt Jones” (1974) and “One Down, Two to Go” (1976). His success at the time meant more than just his career. It opened doors for others. “I broke the color barrier – I was the first black martial artist to become a movie star,” Kelly said in a 2010 interview with the Los Angeles Times. “Its glad to see how many people still remember that because Ive done so little in film for such a long time.” His last role was a cameo in the 2009 live-streamed action comedy “Afro Ninja.” But according to Kellys 2010 interview with KatoFilms, he could have taken on more parts. “I get three scripts every year, even today,” he said. “But the writing is very bad, my part is very bad, and I refuse to do that. Im very conscious of the image that I put on screen for young kids. … So I do nothing. If I never do another movie, it doesnt bother me because Im very satisfied with what Ive done.” On Sunday, the official Jim Kelly Facebook page posted, “He will be deeply missed by everyone.” According to Dishman, there will be no services for the actor.

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