5个最令人惊叹的时刻来自’The Office’系列大结局

5个最令人惊叹的时刻来自’The Office’系列大结局

它真的结束了!经过九个赛季,“办公室”在周四晚上举行了一场75分钟的大结局告别。巧合的是,大约在同一时间,情景喜剧的粉丝们在他们眼中集体得到了一些东西。 (吸气!




图片: Angela and Dwight

Dwangela dweds
经过一个充满“Jam”剧集的季节之后,很高兴看到另一对夫妇偷了一会儿的聚光灯。德怀特终于在上面戴了一枚戒指,让安吉拉成为他的妻子 – 这不仅仅是戒指。这是“从(他的)祖母的臀部中取出的那个。”两位站在他们自己的浅坟墓中,因为他们交换了誓言,正如主持人解释的那样,提醒他们“这是他们将要做的事情的唯一出路。”





吉姆 and Pam
NBC /今天

当然,最终,它必须回到Jam。由于吉姆的雄心壮志和帕姆的巨大恐惧,这个粉丝最喜欢的情侣本赛季受到了打击。在本赛季的倒数第二集中,吉姆做出了一个宏伟的姿态,提供了最终的剪辑卷轴以证明他的奉献精神。在系列赛中,Pam通过出售他们的房屋并邀请他在Athleap(也称为商业冒险 – 以前称为运动员)的商标中获得了回报。.

结局之夜有很多角色更新。 Ryan和Kelly重新站起来 – 比以往更加自私。斯坦利退休到大沼泽地并雕刻了鸟类。凯文被解雇了(通过蛋糕),并买了他自己的酒吧。但这些都不像一个非常特别的更新那么有趣.

在整个情节中突然出现了“草根”,毒品贩卖和濒临灭绝的肉贩子的信条。在假装自己死后,他偷偷溜进婚礼,躲在办公室里,为他的前同事唱了一个多愁善感的小曲 – 所有这一切都在警察把他拉走之前.

该 cast of
NBC /今天



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, but I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    “Its really over! After nine seasons, “The Office” held a 75-minute finale on Thursday night. Coincidentally, fans of the sitcom collectively got something in their eyes around the same time. (Inhale!) The Office signed off after 9 seasons on May 17, 2013 01:23. Well, of course, those were tears, but who can blame anyone for opening the waterworks in between all the laughter? After all, it was a night of relationships, resolutions, and amazing moments. Angela and Dwight tied! Chris Haston/TODAY Dwangela dweds After a season full of “Jam” episodes, it was nice to see another couple steal the spotlight for a moment. Dwight finally put a ring on it and made Angela his wife – and it wasnt just any ring. It was “the one taken from (his) grandmothers butt.” The two stood in their own shallow graves as they exchanged vows, as the host explained, reminding them “this is the only way out of what theyre about to do.” Bonus? All wedding gifts were cats! The boss is back But before Dwight could stand in his grave, he needed a best man (or “bestest mensch”) by his side. It was a role he originally gave to prankster Jim, who switched it at the last minute to an old friend. “Michael, I cant believe you came!” Dwight exclaimed. The former boss replied in the only way he knew how: “Thats what she said!” NBC/TODAY Pam makes a believer out of Athlete Of course, it had to come back to Jam in the end. This fan-favorite couple took a hit this season due to Jims grand ambitions and Pams huge fears. In the penultimate episode of the season, Jim made a grand gesture, offering up the final montage reel to prove his dedication. In the series finale, Pam got her payoff by selling their house and inviting him to join her at Athleap (formerly known as Athletes Foot) as a partner. CREEDENCE The finale night had a lot of character updates. Ryan and Kelly got back together – more selfishly than ever. Stanley retired to the great marsh and carved birds. Kevin got fired (via cake) and bought his own bar.

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