


这位歌手,舞蹈演员,女演员等星期二已经49岁了 – 但是你不得不接受我们的话,因为她生日那天的下面照片肯定让这个事实难以置信.


Lopez在Instagram上发布了一些照片,其中包括朋友,家人,男朋友Alex Rodriguez以及 – 前线和中锋 – J.Lo本人,穿着比基尼泳装和令人难以置信的健美腹肌.

这位活跃的明星证明了她不仅仅适合她的年龄,而且看起来很棒 – 她在任何年龄段看起来都很棒.





就在这位前Fly Girl与粉丝分享这些快照的前几个小时,A-Rod发布了一张生日女孩的照片,这张照片吸收了太阳,享受着海浪,再次闪现着微笑.

至于他的标题,它表明Lopez不仅仅是伟大的腹肌和一个永恒的外表(以及一个成功的职业和有爱心的孩子)感恩 – 她也有一个伙伴.

“当我们还是孩子的时候,生日很令人兴奋,因为这完全取决于我们将要获得的礼物。新的蝙蝠,舞鞋,也许是新CD(是的,我老了!),”他写道。 “我亲眼看到詹妮弗如何改变,以及如何在与他人分享时获得快乐。对于那些一年365天一直在给予一切的人 – 给我们的孩子,我们的家庭,世界 – 我希望今天,我们可以给你所有你应得的幸福。我爱你Macha 13.“



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  1. Happy birthday, Jennifer Lopez! This singer, dancer, actress, and more turned 49 on Tuesday – but you have to take our word for it, because the photos she posted on her birthday make it hard to believe. Lopez shared some photos on Instagram, including friends, family, boyfriend Alex Rodriguez, and – of course – J.Lo herself, wearing a bikini and showing off her incredible abs. This active star proves that she not only looks great for her age, but looks great at any age. “Current birthday situation… yup,” is all she wrote in the caption, and she didnt need to write anything else. In the first photo, Lopez wears a serious face, but when you click or swipe to the second shot, shes smiling as she raises a bottle of bubbly to the camera. Of course, this isnt the first time weve seen her have beach birthday fun. Just a few hours before this former Fly Girl shared these snaps with fans, A-Rod posted a photo of the birthday girl soaking up the sun, enjoying the waves, and flashing another smile. As for his caption, it shows that Lopez is grateful not only for great abs and an eternal youthfulness (as well as a successful career and loving children) – she also has a partner. “When we were kids, birthdays were exciting because it was all about the gifts we would be getting. A new bat, dance shoes, maybe a new CD (yes Im old!). I see firsthand how thats changed for Jennifer, and how shes found joy in sharing with others. For someone who has been about giving everything she has 365 days a year – to our children, our families, the world – I hope today, we can give you all the happiness you deserve. I love you mucho Macha 13,” he wrote.

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