

好吧好吧,这是Matthew McConaughey的45岁生日。谁曾想过,来自“Dazed and Confused”的Wooderson将成为备受好评的奥斯卡获奖演员,被TIME杂志评为世界上最具影响力的人物之一? 





我们不可能总结所有我们最喜欢的McConaughey零件和线条,他不断添加到列表中,本周出现的“Interstellar”,他在“华尔街之狼”中引人注目的胸膛和他的 – 模仿的林肯商业广告仍在嗡嗡作响。但这里有四条我们最喜欢的McConaughey系列.

我们喜欢“Dazed”有很多原因,包括它是门启发的“好吧好吧”的起源。但1993年电影中的经典Wooderson系列必须是当他揭示出作为一名高中毕业生仍然在你的母校周围徘徊的好处时: “这就是我喜欢这些高中女生的人,男人。我变老,他们保持同龄。”

图片: Dazed and Confused

McConaughey的达拉斯没有在“魔术迈克”中获得冠军头衔(Channing Tatum扮演Mike)。但是当他告诉脱衣舞俱乐部的观众时,他得到了当晚最大的反应,完全是McConaughey: “事实是,法律规定你不能碰!但我想我今晚会在这所房子里看到很多违法者。”

图片: Magic Mike
McConaughey在“Magic Mike”中饰演脱衣舞俱乐部老板达拉斯。Claudette Barius /今天

McConaughey和Woody Harrelson在特殊的HBO系列剧“真正的侦探”中大肆挥霍,他们在1995年的一个令人不安的案件中作为尖锐的侦探,在2012年被击败的男人之间跳跃。这是McConaughey的Rust Cohle获得最惊人的线条,包括一个成为互联网模因的人. “曾经有人告诉过我,’时间是一个扁平的圆圈’,”他沉思道,记得一个过去的案例。 “我们做过或将做的所有事情,我们都会一遍又一遍地做。”

图片: True Detective
McConaughey和Woody Harrelson在“真正的侦探”中解决了改变生活的犯罪行为。米歇尔K.短/今天

麦康纳在“达拉斯买家俱乐部”中饰演罗恩伍德拉夫,赢得了最佳男主角奥斯卡奖。作为伍德拉夫,一个脾气暴躁的德克萨斯人,在20世纪80年代被诊断出患有艾滋病病毒,并将毒品走私到该国治疗这种疾病,他有一些狡猾的轻浮的线条,但这是他和我们呆在一起的较软的一种。伍德拉夫向詹妮弗加纳的夏娃萨克斯博士说: 有时候我只是觉得自己正在为一生而战,我没有时间活着。“

图片: Dallas Buyers Club
McConaughey在“达拉斯买家俱乐部”中饰演Ron Woodroof赢得奥斯卡奖。安妮玛丽福克斯/今天

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Okay, okay, its Matthew McConaugheys 45th birthday. Who would have thought that Wooderson from “Dazed and Confused” would become an acclaimed Oscar-winning actor, named one of the worlds most influential people by TIME magazine? 36 photos Getty Images Europe Slideshow Matthew McConaughey This easy-going actor, once known for playing bongos naked, has come a long way from “dazed and confused.” He has earned praise for his roles in “The Wolf of Wall Street” and “Dallas Buyers Club.” We cant possibly summarize all our favorite McConaughey parts and lines, which he keeps adding to the list, from this weeks “Interstellar” to his standout chest in “The Wolf of Wall Street” and his -imitated Lincoln commercials still buzzing. But here are four of our favorite McConaughey series. Dazed and Confused We love “Dazed” for many reasons, including that its the origin of the inspired “alright, alright, alright.” But the classic Wooderson series from the 1993 movie has to be when he reveals the benefits of still hanging around your high school even as a graduate: “Thats what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.” Magic Mike McConaughey didnt take home the championship belt in “Magic Mike” (that went to Channing Tatums Mike). But when he tells the strip club audience that the law says they cant touch, he gets the biggest reaction of the night, totally McConaughey: “Fact is, you cant touch! But I can see a lot of lawbreakers in the room tonight.” McConaughey plays strip club owner Dallas in “Magic Mike.” Claudette Barius / TODAY True Detective McConaughey and Woody Harrelson went all out in the special HBO series “True Detective,” playing sharp detectives in a disturbing 1995 case that jumps between the men being beaten in 2012. Its McConaugheys Rust Cohle who gets the most amazing lines, including one that became an Internet meme. “Someone once told me, Time is a flat circle,” he muses, recalling a past

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