

上周日,TLC的“我的奇怪成瘾”向观众介绍了一个真正喜欢他的汽车的人。这一次,观众将会见Sheyla Hershey,一位喜欢乳房植入物的女性。也是好事,因为在38KKK,有很多值得爱的东西.

她的乳房含有86液量盎司的生理盐水 – 每个。正如在这一集中偷偷摸摸地提到的那样,每个植入物相当于超过六包苏打水。而好时仍然想要更多.

“我的乳房就像我的宝宝,”她解释道。 “我爱他们就像他们是我的孩子一样。拥有这些只是我生命中最美好的事情。”

当然,很少有成瘾者将他们的成瘾描述为“最好的事情”,而Hershey承认她的乳房难以做基本的事情 – 比如绑她的鞋子甚至拥抱她的女儿 – 她可能会有一点。毕竟,很少有瘾君子可以说他们的成瘾实际上挽救了他们的生命.






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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    Last Sunday, TLCs “My Strange Addiction” introduced viewers to a person who truly loves their car. This time, viewers will meet Sheyla Hershey, a woman who loves breast implants. Its also a good thing because at 38KKK, there are many lovable things. Her breasts contain 86 fluid ounces of saline – each. As mentioned sneakily in this episode, each implant is equivalent to more than six packs of soda. And Hershey still wants more. “My breasts are like my babies,” she explains. “I love them as if they were my children. Having them is just the best thing in my life.” Of course, few addicts describe their addiction as “the best thing,” and Hershey admits that her breasts make it difficult to do basic things – like tying her shoes or even hugging her daughter – she may have a point. After all, few addicts can say that their addiction actually saved their lives. Hershey does. A week ago, she crashed her car into a tree, but her airbag failed to deploy. She now claims that the implants took over that job. Tune in to TLCs “My Strange Addiction” on Sunday night at 10 p.m. to learn more about Hersheys big addiction. What do you think? Is she really addicted to implants, or is she addicted to the attention they bring her? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.

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