

Tracy Morgan的2岁女儿Maven在坠机事故中帮助他治愈,使他陷入昏迷.


特雷西 Morgan, Maven Sonae Morgan
纽约,纽约 – 11月17日:特蕾西摩根和女儿Maven摩根参加第四个每年的伟大周开始由特蕾西摩根主持的事件在2015年11月17日的羊毛内衣在纽约。 (摄影:Dave Kotinsky / Getty Images)盖蒂图片

“这就是我活下去的原因。对她来说。她和我的妻子,”摩根说。 “那些是我的明星球员。”




相关:Tracy Morgan的女儿Maven用可爱的GQ照片做化妆

“有一天,我看到她在doo-doo呵护[尿布]的大厅里奔跑,我开始穿着我的doo-doo纵容跑下大厅,”摩根开玩笑说。 “我还在自言自语……我喜欢对自己进行选择。”


特雷西 Morgan, Maven Sonae Morgan and Megan Wollove
洛杉矶,加州 – 9月20日:(L-R)演员/喜剧演员特蕾西摩根,Maven Sonae摩根和梅根Wollover在第67每年黄金时间的艾美金象奖的新闻室摆在2015年9月20日的微软剧院在洛杉矶,加利福尼亚。 (摄影:Mark Davis / Getty Images)盖蒂图片

与此同时,摩根计划重返电视,其中包括由“Key&Peele’s”Jordan Peele撰写的刚刚宣布的外汇喜剧系列.

他还在2月份推出了“Picking Up The Pieces”喜剧之旅.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    It is heartwarming to hear how Tracy Morgans daughter, Maven, played a crucial role in his recovery after the tragic plane crash. Her first words to him after the accident, calling him “dada,” gave him the strength to keep fighting. It is amazing how the love and support of family can help us overcome even the toughest challenges. We wish Tracy and his family all the best as he continues to recover and pursue his career in comedy.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    It is heartwarming to hear how Tracy Morgans daughter, Maven, played a crucial role in his recovery after the tragic plane crash. Her first words to him after the accident, calling him “dada,” gave him the strength to keep fighting. It is amazing how the love and support of family can help us overcome even the toughest challenges. We wish Tracy and his family all the best as he continues to recover and pursue his career in comedy.

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