

黛安·基顿(Diane Keaton)在1987年的“婴儿潮”(Baby Boom)中饰演的“老虎女士”(Tiger Lady)高管从未有机会继承克里斯蒂娜(Kristina)和米歇尔肯尼迪(Michelle Kennedy)饰演的可爱的1岁伊丽莎白。星期二,现在成长的双胞胎,以及父母吉姆和黛安,在今天停下来谈论他们如何无意中“游戏”了试镜过程,以及几年后见到基顿的感觉如何.



肯尼迪透露,他们带着他们的孩子参加公开试镜,并且由于婴儿克里斯蒂娜,他们首先被看到了。这个小女孩正在玩一个球,进入了制片人和导演所在的房间,“他们说,’让他们进去’,”爸爸吉姆回忆道。 “他们是第一个参加试镜的人。”  

随着可爱的女孩为五个月的电影拍摄,下一步显然是给了工作人员在Baby 101上的一课。“一开始,(电影摄制组)认为他们可以根据需要让宝宝满意,并且他们很快发现他们不得不解决(婴儿的)时间表,他们非常非常好,“妈妈黛安说。.


米歇尔 and Kristina Kennedy, all grown up from their

电影上映多年后,这对双胞胎 – 现在的老师 – 与基顿重聚。当克里斯蒂娜和米歇尔上大学时,他们决定在纽约南安普顿的一本书上给女演员一个惊喜。.

图片: Kennedy family

“我们和她一起拍了一张照片,我们把它放在她面前签名,然后她说,’你知道,这很有趣,我们前几天只是想着这些女孩’,”米歇尔回忆道。 “那么她看起来就签了,她看着我们,她看着照片,她就像,’不!’而我们只是在微笑,她有点把它放在一起。所以,当她意识到她站起来给我们一个大大的拥抱,这很令人兴奋。“


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Diane Keaton played the role of “Tiger Lady” executive in the 1987 film “Baby Boom,” but never had the chance to inherit the adorable 1-year-old Elizabeth played by Kristina and Michelle Kennedy. On Tuesday, the now-grown twins, along with parents Jim and Diane, stopped by to talk about how they inadvertently “played” the audition process and how they felt when they met Keaton years later. Kennedy revealed that they brought their child to an open audition and were the first to be seen because of baby Kristina playing with a ball that entered the room where the producers and directors were. “They said, Let them in,” dad Jim recalled. “They were the first ones to audition.”

    As the cute girl shot for five months for the movie, the next step was apparently giving the crew a lesson on Baby 101. “At first, (the film crew) thought they could make the baby happy as needed, and they quickly found out they had to work around (the babys) schedule, and they were very, very good,” mom Diane said. Michelle and Kristina Kennedy both grew up from their “Baby Boom” era. Today, years after the movie was released, the twin sisters – now teachers – reunited with Keaton. When Kristina and Michelle went to college, they decided to surprise the actress with a book in Southampton, New York. “We took a picture with her, put it in front of her to sign, and then she said, You know, this is funny, we were just thinking about these girls a few days ago,” Michelle recalled. “So she looks at it to sign it, and she looks at us, she looks at the picture, and shes like, No! And were just smiling, and shes kind of putting it together. So when she realized it, she stood up and gave us a big hug, and it was very exciting.” Be sure to check out what happened with another set of twins in “Three Men and a Baby” and tune in to todays adjustment to Wednesday to find out what happened in “Raising Arizona”! Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

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