

有一件事是肯定的:Don Johnson不需要去寻找施舍。这位“锡杯”明星在他长期以来的法律争夺战中达成了解决方案,因为他的热播电视剧“纳什布里奇斯”获得的利润高达1900万美元。. 

63岁的约翰逊于2009年起诉该剧的制作公司Rysher Entertainent,声称他们没有向他支付约1亿美元的版税。一年后,他获得了2320万美元的回报利润以及额外的2800万美元的利息,赢得了一场重大胜利.

‘Nash Bridges’Don Johnson:2300万美元的人




从1996年到2001年,“Nash Bridges”获得了一个利润丰厚的122集,并且扮演了一名名义上的警察,与旁边的Cheech Marin一起,作为旧金山PD特别​​侦查组的一部分工作了各种案件。.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the legal battle between Don Johnson and Rysher Entertainment over unpaid royalties for the hit TV show “Nash Bridges.” After years of litigation, Johnson was awarded $23.2 million in profits and $28 million in interest. Recently, the two parties reached a settlement, with Rysher Entertainment paying Johnsons production company $19 million. “Nash Bridges” was a successful show that aired from 1996 to 2001, with Johnson playing a police officer in San Francisco.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the legal battle between Don Johnson and Rysher Entertainment over unpaid royalties for the hit TV show “Nash Bridges.” After years of litigation, Johnson was awarded $23.2 million in profits and $28 million in interest. Recently, the two parties reached a settlement, with Rysher Entertainment paying Johnsons production company $19 million. “Nash Bridges” was a successful show that aired from 1996 to 2001, with Johnson playing a police officer in San Francisco.

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