






“这是一种经历,我认为我们很多人都与互联网时代之前的年龄联系在一起,只是与一群人进入一个房间并与他们面对面交流,”纽约杂志评论家Adam Sternbergh告诉今天.

马特 Le Blanc (Joey), Matthew Perry (Chandler), Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courtney Cox (Monica) in a 1998 episode of
Matt Le Blanc(Joey),Matthew Perry(钱德勒),Jennifer Aniston(Rachel),Courtney Cox(莫妮卡)在1998年的一集“朋友”中。华纳兄弟电视制作公司



一位名叫埃里卡的粉丝告诉今天,“这就像一个拥抱。”并且,她补充说,由于缺乏无所不在的手机和电脑,这个节目让她感到一种从未生活过的奇怪的怀旧情绪。 (心理学家会把这种感觉称为“级联的回忆颠簸”,但我们只是想让年轻的粉丝发现这是他们的节目龙虾。)

但它也是关于故事的,纽约乔伊,菲比,钱德勒,雷切尔,莫妮卡和罗斯的幻想版本都存在。当“观看发生的事情!”时主持人安迪·科恩(Andy Cohen)上个月在NBC的“必看电视:詹姆斯·伯罗斯的全明星致敬”中问詹妮弗安妮斯顿(雷切尔),她的角色为她的巨型城市公寓提供了什么,她开玩笑说,“继承!”

友 cast
Courtney Cox(莫妮卡),Lisa Kudrow(Pheobe),Jennifer Aniston(Rachel)和David Schwimmer(Ross)参加1994年“朋友”试播.NBC


所以也许这就是“朋友们”今天所忍受的原因之一:它是怀旧的,它是一种幻想,但它也有点真实 – 就像你实际上是帮派的一部分.

“这绝不是对现实生活的准确描绘,但我认为现在人们正在观看幻想元素已经具有更大的吸引力,”斯特恩伯格说。 “这是非常情绪化的,人们仍然与它有很强的联系。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Okay, no one told us that “Friends” would be like this in the afterlife! Its been 12 years since the classic TV show aired, but its a sitcom that has never rested. It has not only endured endless reruns (now available on Netflix, syndication, and DVD), but its fans are still as passionate as ever. Is “Friends” still the most popular show on (streaming) TV? Mar.29.201603:18 It may even be more so: while the initial series had over 15 million viewers per season, syndicated reruns have 16 million viewers per week! “Its an experience that I think a lot of us connect with an age before the internet, just going into a room with a bunch of people and communicating with them face to face,” New York Magazine critic Adam Sternbergh told Today. Matt Le Blanc (Joey), Matthew Perry (Chandler), Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), Courtney Cox (Monica) in an episode of “Friends” in 1998. Warner Bros. Television More: Friends Reunion Pays Tribute to James Burrows: See the 6 Best Moments For fans, including those who grew up more social in the social media age, opening it up is like inviting a group of good friends together. A fan named Erica told Today, “Its like a hug.” And, she added, because of the lack of ubiquitous phones and computers, the show makes her feel a strange nostalgia shes never lived before. (Psychologists would call this feeling “cascading reminiscence bump,” but we just want young fans to discover that this is their lobster show.) But its also about the story, the fantasy versions of New York Joey, Phoebe, Chandler, Rachel, Monica, and Ross exist. When “Watch What Happens!” host Andy Cohen asked Jennifer Aniston (Rachel) last month on NBCs “Must-See TV: An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows” what her character provided for her giant city apartment, she joked, “Inheritance!” Courtney Cox (Monica), Lisa Kudrow (Pheobe), Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), and David Schwimmer (Ross) attend the 1994 “Friends” pilot. NBC More: Anyway, Matthew

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the enduring popularity of the TV show “Friends” and how it continues to attract a devoted fan base even after 12 years since its original airing. The shows nostalgic appeal and fantasy elements are cited as reasons for its continued success, as well as its ability to create a sense of community among its viewers. The article also includes quotes from fans and critics, who reflect on the shows impact and enduring appeal.

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