

娜塔莉 and Jenna take turns
Natalie和Jenna轮流“操作”。Peter Kramer / NBC /今天



该游戏要求从受试者身上移除指定的身体部位,绰号为“Cavity Sam”,而不会触及镊子开口的金属边缘。如果你碰到一边,结果是一声响亮的嗡嗡声,Sam的鼻子点亮了红色 – 更不用说玩家的轻微心悸.


报告 the story on the success of board games wasn't enough to help Jenna successfully remove her piece from Cavity Sam.
报道关于棋盘游戏成功的故事并不足以帮助Jenna成功地从Cavity Sam中删除她的作品.Peter Kramer / NBC /今天
马特, Al and Natalie look on as Jenna takes her turn.
当Jenna转过身来时,Matt,Al和Natalie看着他们.Peter Kramer / NBC /今天
人 proved that he should stick with doing the weather, and stay far from operating tables.
Al证明他应该坚持做天气,远离手术台.Peter Kramer / NBC /今天

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any board game. However, I can say that the article talks about the enduring popularity of traditional board games, despite the rise of digital games. The hosts of TODAY played a real-life version of the game “Operation,” which requires players to remove specific body parts from a patient named “Cavity Sam” without touching the metal edges of the tweezers. The article also mentions that the success of board games in 2012 generated a total revenue of $497 million. Its interesting to see how these games continue to bring nostalgia and joy to families.

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