Shannen Doherty分享了乳腺癌宣传月的强大照片

Shannen Doherty分享了乳腺癌宣传月的强大照片

Shannen Doherty以非常个人化的方式纪念乳腺癌宣传月.

前“Beverly Hills,90210”和“Charmed”明星勇敢地与这种疾病作斗争了将近两年,然后宣布她在去年四月处于缓解状态,分享了一张坦率的回归照片,她自己泪流满面地抱着她自己的黑头发.




Shannen Doherty
女演员Shannen Doherty上个月在加利福尼亚州比佛利山庄参加Farrah Fawcett基金会的“Tex-Mex Fiesta”活动,以表彰Stand Up To Cancer.Amanda Edwards / WireImage




Shannen Doherty多年来:回顾一下

从她早期的儿童女演员穿过她的“Beverly Hills,90210”明星,看到Shannen Doherty最难忘的时刻.

“癌症有很多阶段。休克,否认,接受,愤怒,怨恨,反叛,恐惧,欣赏,美丽。缓解。即使在那时,阶段仍在继续,”她写道。 “巨蟹座永远和你在一起。那些经历过它的人知道,即使在你踢完它的屁股后,它仍会以好的方式和坏的方式影响你。”

这位女演员写道:“你仍然会经历情绪过山车。你仍然需要支持和爱。” “你仍然可以掌握生活,生活,生活,生活。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Shannen Doherty commemorated Breast Cancer Awareness Month in a very personal way. The former “Beverly Hills, 90210” and “Charmed” star bravely battled the disease for almost two years, then announced she was in remission last April, sharing a candid photo of herself tearfully embracing her own black hair. This image is so personal to me, Doherty wrote. I had started chemo. Was using a cold cap in hope to not lose my hair. End result was clumps in my hands. I was sick, felt like I was losing myself. Gained people and lost people. Got weak and got strong. Felt ugly and yet more beautiful inside than I had ever felt before. Cancer has so many phases. Shock, denial, acceptance, anger, resentment, rebellion, fear, appreciation, beauty. Remission. Even then, the phases keep coming. Cancer is with you forever. Those who have experienced it know that even after youve kicked its ass, it still impacts you, in good ways and bad. You still go thru the roller coaster of emotions. You still need support and love. And you can still grasp life and live, live live. #cancer #cancerslayer

    Shannen Doherty gained new fans with her courage, humor, and positivity in the face of illness, then briefly recounted the highs and lows she endured in her difficult battle. “I was sick, felt like I was losing myself. Gained people and lost people. Got weak and got strong. Felt ugly and yet more beautiful inside than I had ever felt before,” she wrote. Last month, the beloved star attended the Farrah Fawcett Foundations “Tex-Mex Fiesta” event in Beverly Hills, California, to honor Stand Up To Cancer. In November of last year, she said cancer had made her “better,” describing the complex emotional cycles she and other cancer patients are familiar with. “Cancer has so many phases. Shock, denial, acceptance, anger, resentment, rebellion, fear, appreciation, beauty. Remission. Even then, the phases keep coming,” she wrote. “Cancer is with you forever. Those who have experienced it know that even after youve kicked its ass, it still impacts you, in good ways and bad

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