

图片: Shane and Leah on
Gaius Charles饰演Shane Ross,Tessa Ferrer饰演Leah Murphy饰演“Gray’s Anatomy”。理查德卡特赖特/今天

看来Sandra Oh将不会是唯一一位本赛季退场的“格雷解剖”明星。截止日期和娱乐周刊都证实了Tessa Ferrer和Gaius Charles – 他们扮演的外科手术居民Leah Murphy和Shane Ross–没有收到他们的合同.




对雄心勃勃的Shane来说,这有点棘手。由于韦伯博士,自己的工作本身毫无意义并且崩溃后,他的故事情节似乎又回到了正轨。但是他的导师,心胸超级巨星Cristina Yang(Oh)在出门的路上,这可能为他跟随她走出Gray-Sloan Memorial的大门铺平了道路.

虽然有些医生要离开,但有一位医生正在回来。正如之前报道的那样,扮演伯克博士三个赛季的艾萨亚华盛顿正在回归一集,以发送奥的角色。 Ellen Pompeo和Patrick Dempsey最近续签了他们的合同,并将继续扮演Derek Shepherd和Meredith Gray。.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the departure of Gaius Charles and Tessa Ferrer, who played Shane Ross and Leah Murphy, respectively, from the medical drama Greys Anatomy. The reasons for their departure are unknown, and it is unclear if they will return as guest stars. The article also mentions the return of Isaiah Washington, who played Dr. Burke, for one episode. Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey have renewed their contracts and will continue to play their characters. Greys Anatomy airs on Thursday nights at 9 pm on ABC.

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