تتحدث إيرين أندروز عن برنامج التلقيح الاصطناعي والخطط العائلية بعد معاناتها من سرطان عنق الرحم

تتحدث إيرين أندروز عن برنامج التلقيح الاصطناعي والخطط العائلية بعد معاناتها من سرطان عنق الرحم

قبل عام واحد ، لم تتحدث إيرين أندروز وخطيبتها الآن ، جارت ستول ، عن الزواج ، ناهيك عن بدء الأسرة. لكن كل ذلك تغير فجأة عندما تم تشخيصها بسرطان عنق الرحم.

في مقابلة جديدة مع مجلة Health ، شرح مراسل NFL ومضيف “الرقص مع النجوم” كيف أن معركتها مع المرض غيرت علاقتها ووضعها على الطريق إلى التخصيب في المختبر (IVF).

ايرين Andrews
نيكولاس هانت / غيتي إيماجز

“أنت لا تعرف ما إذا كان الشخص يريد أن يجلس مع طبيب الأورام ويرى ،” حسناً ، لذلك هذا هو عنق الرحم ، وهذا هو رحمك ، ونحن نتخلص من هذا الجزء ، “قالت. “لم نناقش حتى الزواج. لم نناقش الأطفال الرضع! إنه يضع الأمور في نصابها الصحيح بالنسبة لك – لأنك تقول لنا أخصائي علم الأورام:” نوصي بشدة أن تقوم بأجنبك في الأجنة الآن ، تجميدهم. “”

وهكذا وصلت اندروز مباشرة إلى النقطة مع شريكها لاعب الهوكي.

“أنا أحب ، مرحبا ، أنا. أنا أحبك. أتمنى أن ننفق حياتنا معا” ، تذكرت. “وكان مذهلاً.”


بعد عمليتين جراحيتين ، علمت الطفلة البالغة من العمر 39 عاماً أنها خالية من السرطان ، لكنهم قرروا المضي قدمًا وخطة الخصوبة في حالة عودة السرطان.

إيرين أندروز تفتح أبوابها حول معركتها ضد السرطان ، وتتعقبها


وقالت “أنا لست صغيرا ، لا نعرف متى سننجب طفلا ، لا نعرف ما إذا كان هذا سيعود”. “أحد الأشياء التي أحبها لزوجي في المستقبل هو أن طبيب الأورام لدينا قال إن الشيء الذكي الذي ينبغي فعله هو انتظار بعض التأمين – لذلك قمنا بتجميد الأجنة لأننا اتخذنا الخطوات. إذا احتجنا” ، نحتاج ” وإذا لم نفعل ذلك ، فنحن لا نفعل ذلك. نحن فقط نريد أن نكون أذكياء “.


لكن العملية لم تكن سهلة. [أندروس] قال واحدة حديثا [إيفف] دورة حتّى يتسبّب ه أن يدفع ظهر غلافه تغطية للمجلة.

“أنا أفعل كل هذه اللقطات (IVF) وفي ملابس السباحة هذه ، وكنت مثل ،” Yay ، انظر إلى علاماتي التعريفية! “ضحكت.

وهي تتطلع الآن إلى أن يكون لديها “المهنة ، ولديها العائلة ، ولديها السعادة التي كانت تريدها دائماً. وفي الواقع ، بدأت هي وستول ، اللتان انخرطت في شهر كانون الأول / ديسمبر ، جزء العائلة – مع الجرو.


وقالت: “نحن نحصل على كلب جديد – إنه طفلنا الأول ، لذلك نحن متحمسون جدًا”. “إنه مسترد ذهبي ، ونحن نطلق عليه اسم هوارد.”

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    One year ago, Erin Andrews and her now-fiancée, Jarret Stoll, did not talk about marriage, let alone starting a family. But all that changed suddenly when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. In a new interview with Health magazine, the NFL reporter and Dancing with the Stars host explained how her battle with the disease changed her relationship and put her on the path to in vitro fertilization (IVF). “You dont know if the person wants to sit with the oncologist and see, Well, this is your cervix, this is your uterus, and were getting rid of this part,” she said. “We hadnt even discussed marriage. We hadnt discussed babies! It puts things in perspective for you – because youre told by your oncologist, We strongly recommend that you guys do your embryos now, freeze them.” And so Andrews got straight to the point with her hockey player partner. “I love, you, Im. I love you. I hope we can spend our lives together,” she recalled. “And he was amazing.”

    After two surgeries, the 39-year-old learned she was cancer-free, but they decided to move forward with the fertility plan in case the cancer returned. “Im not young, we dont know when were going to have a baby, we dont know if this is going to come back,” she said. “One of the things I love about my husband in the future is that our oncologist said the smartest thing to do is to wait for some insurance – so we froze embryos because we took the steps. If we need it, we need it. And if we dont, we dont. We just want to be smart.”

    But the process was not easy. Andrews said one recent IVF cycle even caused her to have to pay out of pocket for the magazine cover. “Im doing all these shots and in this swimsuit, and Im like, Yay, look at my ID tags!” she laughed. And shes now looking forward to having “the career, the family, the happiness that I always wanted.” In fact, she and Stoll, who got engaged in December, have already started on the family part – with a puppy. “Were getting a new dog

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    One year ago, Erin Andrews and her now-fiancée, Jarret Stoll, did not talk about marriage, let alone starting a family. But all that changed suddenly when she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. In a new interview with Health magazine, the NFL reporter and Dancing with the Stars host explained how her battle with the disease changed her relationship and put her on the path to in vitro fertilization (IVF). “You dont know if the person wants to sit with the oncologist and see, Well, this is your cervix, this is your uterus, and were getting rid of this part,” she said. “We hadnt even discussed marriage. We hadnt discussed babies! It puts things in perspective for you – because youre told by your oncologist, We strongly recommend that you guys do your embryos now, freeze them.” And so Andrews got straight to the point with her hockey player partner. “I love you, and I want to marry you and have kids with you,” she recalled. “It was amazing.”

    After two surgeries, the 39-year-old learned she was cancer-free, but they decided to move forward with the fertility plan in case the cancer returned. “Im not young, we dont know when were going to have a baby, we dont know if this is going to come back,” she said. “One of the things I love about my husband in the future is that our oncologist said the smartest thing to do is to wait for some insurance – so we froze embryos because we took the steps. If we need it, we need it. And if we dont, we dont. We just want to be smart.”

    But the process was not easy. Andrews said one recent IVF cycle even caused her to have to pay out of pocket for the magazine cover. “Im doing all these shots and in this bathing suit, and Im like, Yay, look at my bruises!” she laughed. And shes now looking forward to having “the career, the family, the happiness that I always wanted.” In fact, she and Stoll, who got engaged in December, have already started on the family part – with a puppy. “Were getting a new dog – hes our first baby,

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