

“办公室”的前明星们向Hugh Dane表示敬意,这位演员最后因扮演Hank的保安人员而闻名,他上个月在75岁去世.


该 Office
Hugh Dane,扮演他最着名的角色,就像“The Office”中的保安Hank一样,已经死于75岁.

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他还包括了他的Dwight Schrute角色和Dane之间的一个有趣的场景。此致“办公室”联合主演B.J.诺瓦克也转发了这一致敬.



Dane的演艺生涯开始于1989年,其中还包括出演电影,如1991年与Denzel Washington和Ice-T合作拍摄的“Ricochet”以及2011年的喜剧片“Bridesmaids”。

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the recent passing of actor Hugh Dane, who was best known for his role as Hank the security guard on the TV show “The Office.” Many of his former co-stars, including Rainn Wilson, Steve Carell, and Mindy Kaling, have expressed their condolences and shared fond memories of working with him. Fans of the show have also shared their favorite moments featuring Danes character. Dane had a long career in entertainment, including roles in movies such as “Ricochet” and “Bridesmaids.”

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