





“我们发现,红色和女性吸引力之间的联系可能会影响女性用来吸引高度理想配偶的行为,”波茨坦大学社会学教授,该研究的作者Daniela Niesta Kayser说。.


穿着 red
时装模特身穿红色连衣裙的情绪; Shutterstock ID 110821052; PO:today.com;其他:克劳迪娅wacpan / Shutterstock / wacpan

Niesta Kayser要求74名被男性吸引的女性拍照留念。后续电子邮件中包含一张有吸引力或没有吸引力的男性员工的照片,据称他将在照片当天到实验室。当女性到达时,她们得知他们认为他们见面的那个人没有。另一个人拍了照片来捕捉女人穿的细节.




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“这些研究结果表明,红色在交配环境中具有特殊的地位 – 它可以用来吸引更高质量的配偶……当低质量配偶存在时,它可能会主动避免,”威尔士斯旺西大学心理学讲师Alex Jones说。不隶属于该研究.

这些发现强化了专家们对红色的了解。在实验室环境中,如果被告知他们遇到了一个有魅力的男人,女性会选择红色。但是这篇论文表明,在遇到一个炙手可热的家伙时,自然环境中的女性 – 可以随意使用整个衣柜 – 仍然选择了红色.


那么,红色是什么让人们将它与女性的吸引力联系在一起呢?长期以来,文化一直伴随着性爱的红色 – 想想红灯区甚至红色唇膏 – 人们固有地将两者联系在一起。穿着红色的女性看起来更性感,更突出.

然而,Niesta Kayser说女性应该只穿着自己喜欢的颜色。红色不会预测关系的幸福或长寿.

“最终,它不是决定约会或关系机会的颜色 – 它可能有助于作为初始[催化剂]。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses a study that suggests women tend to wear red when they are attracted to someone and want to express romantic interest. The study also found that women avoid wearing colors when they are around other women they perceive as competition. The article suggests that the cultural association of red with sex and attraction may be why women choose to wear it when they want to appear more attractive. However, the author also notes that wearing red does not guarantee a successful relationship and that women should wear colors they personally enjoy.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses a study that suggests women tend to wear red when they are attracted to someone and want to express romantic interest. The study also found that women avoid wearing colors when they are around other women they perceive as competition. The article suggests that the cultural association of red with sex and attraction may be why women choose to wear it when they want to appear more attractive. However, the author also notes that wearing red does not guarantee a successful relationship and that women should wear colors they personally enjoy.

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