

同情 Card from Emily McDowell Studio.
来自Emily McDowell工作室的移情卡,适用于患有严重疾病的接收者.emilymcdowell.com

三年半前,Emily McDowell的朋友艾米·奥斯特迈尔(Amy Ostermeier)患上了一种未知的侵略性癌症。 McDowell了解Ostermeier正在经历的事情,因为当她24岁时,她经历了9个月的化疗和放射治疗她的3期霍奇金淋巴瘤.

“我能够以不同于许多其他人的方式为她出席,”麦克道尔告诉今天。 “我了解癌症,医院和治疗,这让我不怕它。”

同情 Card from Emily McDowell Studio.


同情 Card from Emily McDowell Studio.


奥斯特迈尔在确诊三个月后死于肝功能衰竭。当麦克道尔为她的朋友感到悲伤时,她想起了奥斯特迈尔的勇敢。 “她在生活方式上真的很鼓舞人心,这激励我辞掉工作,因为我知道自己会做一些能够让我更像是一个人的人。”

同情 Card from Emily McDowell Studio.

所以McDowell开始设计贺卡的自由职业生涯。随着她的事业的发展,她知道她想为疾病制作移情卡。周一,她终于发布了她的Empathy Cards系列:支持严重疾病,旨在融合机智,尴尬的真相和理解。“你开始觉得你只是癌症,但我和我昨天的人是一样的消息,“麦克道尔说。 “找到关于[疾病]的普遍情感真理,并利用它们创造与人们联系的产品 – 这就是我接触它的方式。”

同情 Card from Emily McDowell Studio.


同情 Card from Emily McDowell Studio.

“这取决于我的应对技巧,我如何看待事物,我自己的幽默感,”她说。 “我想成为的目标是让这些卡的接收者得到倾听,被爱和理解。”

McDowell收到的回应表明她成功了。 “[他们]真的很高兴看到他们自己的经历反映出来并感觉他们正在接受话语,”她对Empathy Card收件人说道。.

McDowell每年两次发行卡片 – 一月和五月 – 她将继续添加她的线路。她希望她的Empathy Cards能帮助人们应对.

“我们的文化并没有很好地帮助我们为其他人的痛苦和痛苦做好准备,”她说。 “我们的文化非常害怕这种情绪。”

同情 Card from Emily McDowell Studio.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it seems to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the Empathy Cards series created by Emily McDowell Studio, which is designed for recipients with serious illnesses. McDowell, who has experienced cancer herself, understands the difficulties of being sick and feeling lonely. She created these cards to help people connect with their loved ones who are going through a tough time. The cards are witty, honest, and empathetic, and they have received positive feedback from recipients. McDowell hopes that her Empathy Cards can help people cope with their pain and suffering, and she plans to continue adding to her line in the future.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it seems to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the Empathy Cards series created by Emily McDowell Studio, which is designed for recipients with serious illnesses. McDowell, who has experienced cancer herself, understands the difficulties of being sick and feeling lonely. She created these cards to help people connect with their loved ones who are going through a tough time. The cards are witty, honest, and empathetic, and they have received positive feedback from recipients. McDowell hopes that her Empathy Cards can help people cope with their pain and suffering, and she plans to continue adding to her line in the future.

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