

当你是两个幼儿的妈妈时,找工作时间并不容易。对于Kristen Bell来说,效率是关键.


今天很喜欢…… Kristen Bell和Dax Shepard




什么 Kristen Bell Eats to Fuel Her Career and Workouts
贝尔与SHAPE分享了她的一些锻炼秘诀.James Macari / SHAPE



什么 Kristen Bell Eats to Fuel Her Career and Workouts
克里斯汀贝尔说她想为她的两个年幼女儿树立一个健康的榜样. James Macari / SHAPE

贝尔说:“向我的孩子们展示我关心自己的健康和健康状况,这对我来说很重要。” “所以,当我和他们在一起时,我会做一些深蹲。当他们问我在做什么时,我会说我正在进行身体健康。而且因为他们复制了我所做的一切,下次他们拿起一个沉重的包,他们会说,’我正在进行锻炼。’“

她补充道,“这是我想要在孩子的早期灌输的一个价值 – 注意你的身体是强制性的。无论是涂防晒霜还是做俯卧撑,不仅仅是我照顾自己,还有帮助我塑造我的女儿们。“

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    It is inspiring to see Kristen Bells dedication to fitness despite being a busy mother of two young children. Her focus on efficiency and making the most of her limited workout time is admirable. It is also heartening to hear her talk about setting a healthy example for her children and instilling in them the value of taking care of their bodies. Her commitment to fitness and health is a reminder that it is possible to prioritize self-care even in the midst of a busy life.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    It is inspiring to see Kristen Bells dedication to fitness despite being a busy mother of two young children. Her focus on efficiency and making the most of her limited workout time is admirable. It is also heartening to hear her talk about setting a healthy example for her children and instilling in them the value of taking care of their bodies. Her commitment to fitness and health is a reminder that taking care of ourselves is not only important for our own well-being but also for those around us.

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