


Wijnand AP van Tilburg(有权威的名字)和爱尔兰利默里克大学的Eric R. Igou以及英国的Southampton分别在欧洲社会心理学杂志上报告说,当涉及对一个人的知识分子的看法时heft,姓名首字母缩写.

在一组有超过500名参与者的实验中,人们认为“大卫·克拉克”的写作要比“大卫·克拉克”所写的完全相同的文字更好。 “David F.P.R.克拉克“。

使用至少一个中间首字母在参与者的大脑中设置了偏见 – 作者推测,因为中间名首字母经常出现在正式语境中,例如文凭,看到初始时给人的印象是更高的地位。这种额外的状态然后影响了对人的写作和知识的感知.

名称和首字母很重要。研究所谓“名字 – 字母效应”的心理学家已经证明,我们的首字母可以帮助确定我们购买的产品,甚至是我们更有可能选择的职业,主要是因为我们对自己的首字母产生了亲和力。此亲和力将转移到具有相似首字母的产品,人员和地点.




这给另一位名叫布莱恩·亚历山大的记者带来了一些麻烦,后者收到了给我的电子邮件“而不是你想在办公室里找到的那​​种信件,特别是当你刚接触到这份工作时”他笑着告诉我。另外,我不是推特上的@BrianAlexander,一个发布过两次的人,而不是自2008年以来。(我的意思是,来吧,伙计,如果你要打扰这个名字,请使用它!)他蹲在@BrianAlexander上迫使其他Brian Alexanders – 其中有一个令人不安的数字 – 使用各种设备来区分自己。我使用@BrianRAlexander,因为罗伯特是我的中间名.

由于新的研究,我可以感觉更加尊贵。尽管如此,如果你向Brian Alexander发送与性有关的东西,微软的Brian M.如果你把它寄给Brian R,我会很感激.       


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the importance of adding middle name initials to ones name when applying for jobs or graduate schools. Studies have shown that using at least one middle name initial can create bias in peoples perception of ones intellectual abilities and status. This is because middle name initials often appear in formal contexts such as diplomas, giving the impression of higher status. The article also mentions the “name-letter effect,” where people are more likely to be attracted to products, professions, and places that share their initials. However, it is important to note that the validity of some of these studies has been questioned. Overall, the article highlights the significance of names and initials in shaping peoples perceptions and decisions.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the importance of adding middle name initials to ones name when applying for jobs or graduate schools. Studies have shown that using at least one middle name initial can create bias in peoples perception of ones intellectual abilities and status. This is because middle name initials often appear in formal contexts such as diplomas, giving the impression of higher status. The article also mentions the “name-letter effect,” where people are more likely to be attracted to products, professions, and places that share their initials. However, it is important to note that some studies on this topic have been controversial and questioned the validity of the statistical analysis used. Overall, the article highlights the significance of names and initials in shaping peoples perceptions and biases.

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