


不,他们不是最新超级英雄大片中角色的名字 – 他们是患有癌症的孩子。换句话说,现实生活中的超级英雄。感谢来自纽约时装技术学院的学生和教师,今天最近看到他们变成了他们的超级英雄,改变自我,服装等等。.



“我的超级大国将是治疗癌症…通过给儿童糖果,糖果有药物立即治疗癌症,”患有白血病的9岁的Aiden Cintron告诉TODAY的Hoda Kotb.

在FIT的设计师的帮助下,他梦想着Captain Cure,一个戴着闪亮蓝色西装的超级英雄,用他的糖果枪摧毁魔法癌症治疗.

适合, NYU Hassenfeld Children's Hospital, superheroes
Cure船长要救援! 今天


5岁的Mahlai Clark想出了Sky Dancer,一个在云层上跳舞,改变天气并阻止犯罪的超级英雄。 4岁的凯文米勒成为速度男孩,穿红蓝西装的超级英雄,可以像风一样冲刺。 7岁的Chloe Mitchell是Super Shiner,她的金色光芒帮助她在黑暗中看到,所以她可以打败坏人.

NYU Hassenfeld Children's Hospital, FIT
Mahlai Clark成为了Sky Dancer。当她不在云上跳舞时,她会打击犯罪. 今天


NYU Hassenfeld Children's Hospital, pediatric cancer, FIT
凯文米勒是速度男孩,准备好迎接当天 – 和癌症。 “他真的很快,”凯文说. 今天


来自FIT的教师们也设计了一个引人注目的团体镜头 – 如果你把它误认为是电影海报,我们不会责怪你!


“任何知道克洛伊的人都会说,就像蝙蝠一样,她就像一个摇滚明星,”克洛伊的母亲艾琳米切尔说。 “她很强壮,她只需要处理所有事情并处理它。她是一个战士。人们总是对我这么说。”

NYU Hassenfeld Children's Hospital, FIT, pediatric cancer
Super Shiner是Chloe Mitchell的超级英雄。由于她的金色光芒,她可以在黑暗中打击犯罪. 今天


“这可能是最悲惨的情况,她只是有能力把它变成积极的东西,”她说。 “那真的是她。她真的是她的超级英雄。”


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses how children with cancer have become their own superheroes with the help of students and teachers from the New York Fashion Institute of Technology. The children have created their own superhero personas, such as Captain Cure, Sky Dancer, Speed Boy, and Super Shiner, and have worked with FIT designers to bring their costumes to life. The article highlights the strength and resilience of these young cancer patients and their families, who see their superhero alter egos as an extension of their true identities. Overall, the article is a heartwarming tribute to these young warriors and their fight against cancer.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses how children with cancer have become their own superheroes with the help of students and teachers from the New York Fashion Institute of Technology. The children have created their own superhero personas, such as Captain Cure, Sky Dancer, Speed Boy, and Super Shiner, and have worked with FIT designers to bring their costumes to life. The article highlights the strength and resilience of these young warriors and their families, who see their superhero alter egos as an extension of their true identities. It is heartwarming to see how creativity and imagination can bring joy and hope to those facing difficult challenges.

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