

四个月大的Lynlee Boemer的生日是六月,但是为了挽救生命的手术,她必须更早地进入世界.

“这是她的第二次出生,基本上,”她的妈妈Margaret Boemer告诉NBC的会员KPRC2.



观看视频,观看Lynlee 24周,以及几乎杀死她的肿瘤.

虽然仍然在子宫内,但医生发现Lynlee患有骶尾部畸胎瘤,这是一种罕见的肿瘤,生长在脊柱底部的尾骨附近。据全国罕见疾病组织(National Organization for Rare Disorders)称,病因不明,但女孩的肿瘤发生率是男孩的四倍。在30,000-70,000活产中只有一例出现增长.

在大约一半的病例中,肿瘤是无害的,不会影响胎儿。但在Lynlee的情况下,肿瘤变得像婴儿一样大,从她的小身体吸血并使她的心脏受到负担,德州儿童胎儿中心的儿科外科医生和联合主任Darrell Cass博士说。.


宝宝 fetal surgery

“Little Lynlee的心脏显示出失败的迹象,因此我们知道我们为了挽救她的生命而进入这个手术是非常紧迫的,”Cass告诉今天.





然后,医生将婴儿放回妈妈的身边,并将Boemer的子宫缝合在一起。怀孕又持续了三个月。 Lynlee于6月6日通过剖腹产出生,在怀孕36周后出生.

宝宝 fetal surgery
Margaret Boemer和她的女儿Lynlee.由Paul V. Kuntz /德州儿童医院提供

“最终看到她并看到她已经完成了她所拥有的所有困难和她的心,这是一种解脱,”Boemer告诉KPRC2。 “在开放的胎儿手术后,当我还怀孕时,她的心脏有时间愈合,所以她现在没有心脏病,只是做得很棒。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or emotions. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding:

    Four-month-old Lynlee Boemers birthday is in June, but she had to enter the world earlier to undergo life-saving surgery. “This is her second birth, basically,” her mother Margaret Boemer told NBC member KPRC2. Lynlee was diagnosed with sacrococcygeal teratoma, a rare tumor that grows near the tailbone at the bottom of the spine, while still in the womb. According to the National Organization for Rare Disorders, the cause is unknown, but the incidence of the tumor in girls is four times that of boys. In about half of the cases, the tumor is harmless and does not affect the fetus. But in Lynlees case, the tumor grew to the size of a baby, sucking blood from her small body and putting a strain on her heart, said Dr. Darrell Cass, a pediatric surgeon and co-director of the Texas Childrens Fetal Center. The emergency surgery took place in March when Boemer was about 24 weeks pregnant. Cass and another pediatric surgeon made an incision in Boemers uterus, pulled her child from her legs to her torso, and removed most of the massive tumor from Lynlees 1-pound body. Then, the doctors put the baby back next to her mother and sewed Boemers uterus back together. The pregnancy continued for another three months. Lynlee was born on June 6 by cesarean section, after 36 weeks of pregnancy. After the second surgery at 8 days old, Lynlee is now tumor-free and a completely normal and healthy baby.

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