







只需约2,300毫克的钠 – 一茶匙盐 – 就可以为没有钠相关心血管疾病风险因素的人们提供良好的健康。对于有风险的人,包括51岁及以上的人,或有高血压,糖尿病或肾病的人,以及所有年龄段的非裔美国人,建议每日摄入1500毫克. 


1. 食品中近80%的钠来自加工和包装食品;盐瓶每天消耗的盐量不到10%.

2. 酱油和番茄酱等调味品是膳食钠的主要来源。钠被“隐藏”在面包,虾和瑞士甜菜等食物中.



3. 大多数时候选择固体脂肪上的液体脂肪。在室温下,更健康的不饱和脂肪是液体(如橄榄油,红花油和玉米油),饱和脂肪是固体(黄油,椰子油).

4. 饮食中脂肪的总热量很重要。健康的脂肪与不健康的脂肪具有相同的卡路里,健康的指导方针是每日卡路里的25%至35%.

五. 脂肪是一种非常令人满意的营养素,可以延长丰满度。每餐包括一些脂肪可以支持健康有效的减肥.



6. 选择富含纤维的碳水化合物。专注于水果和蔬菜 – 富含纤维和水 – 是膳食碳水化合物的主要来源。限制淀粉类碳水化合物的摄入量(如面包,米饭,面食,谷物).

7. 纤维有助于丰满,因此限制加工的碳水化合物(剥离纤维)以支持部分控制.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any language. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Salt, fat, and carbohydrates are the most popular ingredients in our food supply. Our bodies need these three for good health, but there are many misconceptions about them. How much salt, fat, and carbohydrates should you consume each day? Making small changes in food choices can often have a significant impact on your health. Its easy when you know the facts.

    Salt: When it comes to salt, a little goes a long way. Without salt, the body cannot survive; it supports normal muscle function for contraction and relaxation, transmits normal signals to the brain and nervous system, and overall salt and water balance. Just about 2,300 milligrams of sodium – a teaspoon of salt – can provide good health for people without sodium-related cardiovascular disease risk factors. For those at risk, including those 51 years of age and older, or those with high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney disease, as well as African Americans of all ages, a daily intake of 1500 milligrams is recommended. Most people dont even realize how much they consume. 1. Nearly 80% of sodium in food comes from processed and packaged foods; salt shakers account for less than 10% of daily salt consumption. 2. Condiments such as soy sauce and ketchup are the main sources of dietary sodium. Sodium is “hidden” in foods such as bread, shrimp, and Swiss chard.

    Fat: There is much confusion about how much fat is good for body health and what types of fat to eat. When it comes to fat, less is not always better. The type of fat consumed and the total amount per day are key factors in health status. 3. Most of the time, choose liquid fat over solid fat. At room temperature, healthier unsaturated fats are liquid (such as olive oil, safflower oil, and corn oil), while saturated fats are solid (butter, coconut oil). 4. The total calorie content of fat in the diet is important. Healthy fats have the same calories as unhealthy fats, and the healthy guideline is 25% to 35% of daily calories. 5. Fat is a very satisfying nutrient that can prolong satiety. Including some fat in each meal can support healthy and effective weight loss.

    Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the preferred

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