هل يمكنك البقاء على قيد الحياة في فصل سيرك الجوية؟ 1 رجل يعطيها المحاولة

هل يمكنك البقاء على قيد الحياة في فصل سيرك الجوية؟ 1 رجل يعطيها المحاولة

عندما كنت طفلاً ، كنت أشاهد المفاخر التي تتحدى الجاذبية في السيرك ، كنت أحلم بمستقبلي الوظيفي كمنفذ جوي ، لكن للأسف ، افتقد قوتي للجزء العلوي من الجسم ورفض الأبوين الطريق. للأسف ، لن يكون هناك حبل مشدود أو أرجوحة بالنسبة لي.

أو هكذا فكرت … عندما سمعت عن دورة سيرك جوية في مدينة نيويورك ، قفزت على الفرصة لتجربتها. من لا يرغب في التظاهر بأنه مؤدي Cirque du Soleil لمدة يوم?

انضممنا إلى السيرك لمدة يوم وعاشنا لإخبار الحكاية


أنا وزوج من الرجال الجريئين من TODAY توجهوا إلى Om Factory في مانهاتن والتقى مع المدرب Brenna Bradbury الذي قادنا خلال فصل ملعب سيرك.

جوي yoga
سام اوكازاكي

اعتقدت أن الفصل سيكون ممتعًا ، لكن لم يكن لدي أي فكرة عن مقدار التمرين الذي سيحدث بالفعل. هل يمكن أن تسحب نفسك من حبل إلى شريط دائري يتدلى من السقف؟ لم أظن ذلك.

“إنها تنطوي على الكثير من العضلات الذراع والظهر والعضلات” ، وأوضح برادبري. “ومع ذلك ، فهي لا تخفض الجزء السفلي من الجسم ، ولكن نظرًا لأنه يتعين علينا أن نرفع أنفسنا بأسلحتنا الخاصة ، فإنها تميل إلى العمل بشكل أكبر في الجزء العلوي من الجسم”.

نحن were hanging by a thread... Literally.
كنا معلقة من قبل موضوع … حرفيا.سام اوكازاكي

لقد كنت أمارس اليوغا لسنوات وحسبت أنني أملك النعمة والدقة للتعامل مع الأجهزة الجوية المختلفة – الحرائر والليزات (الأطواق) والحبال. بعد أن أثبتت مهاراتي في اليوجا أنها أكثر فائدة عندما كنت معلقة رأساً على عقب ، على بعد 12 قدماً من الأرض. ركزت على تنفسى للبقاء هادئًا.

كنا في غرفة مع خبراء الأداء الذين كانوا معلقة في بعض الأحيان مجرد كاحل أثناء الظهور بدون وزن عند كل حركة. كان الجزء المفضل لدي من الفصل هو الحرير بعد أن اشركوا جسمك كله ، بالإضافة إلى أنني تمكنت من القيام بدورات أنيقة عليهم.

رشيقة، right?
رشيقة ، صحيح?سام اوكازاكي

يتطلب السيرك الجوي الكثير – وتتحدى الطبقة جسمك وعقلك. ولكن كلما طالت مدة عملك ، أصبح الأمر أسهل (على الأقل هذا ما أخبرنا به المدربون!).

نصيحة Bradbury للمبتدئين هي العثور على فصل مماثل لملعب سيرك الهواء أو البدء باليوجا الجوية. لا يوجد شيء أكثر متعة من الظهور في فصل دراسي يتواجد فيه الجميع بالفعل في السقف.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “When I was a child, I used to watch the gravity-defying stunts in the circus and dream of a future as an aerial performer. Unfortunately, I lacked upper body strength and my parents refused to pursue that path. Sadly, there would be no tightrope or trapeze for me. Or so I thought… When I heard about an aerial circus class in New York City, I jumped at the chance to try it out. Who wouldnt want to pretend to be a Cirque du Soleil performer for a day? My husband and I joined the circus for a day and lived to tell the tale. We went to Om Factory in Manhattan and met with trainer Brenna Bradbury who led us through a circus playground session. I thought the class would be fun, but had no idea how much of a workout it would actually be. Could I pull myself up from a rope to a dangling circular bar? I didnt think so. “It involves a lot of arm and back muscles,” Bradbury explained. “However, it doesnt lower the lower body, but because we have to lift ourselves with our own arms, it tends to work more on the upper body.” We were literally hanging by a thread… Sam Okazaki I have been practicing yoga for years and thought I had the grace and precision to handle the various aerial apparatuses – silks, lyra (hoops), and ropes. After proving my yoga skills were more useful when I was hanging upside down, 12 feet off the ground. I focused on my breathing to stay calm. We were in a room with performance experts who were sometimes hanging by just an ankle while appearing weightless with every move. My favorite part of the class was the silks after engaging your entire body, plus I was able to do some graceful spins on them. Agile, right? Sam Okazaki Aerial circus requires a lot – and challenges your body and mind. But the longer you work, the easier it becomes (at least thats what the trainers told us!). Bradburys advice for beginners is to find a similar class to an aerial circus playground or start with aerial yoga. Theres nothing more fun than showing up to a class where everyone is already on the ceiling.”

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “When I was a child, I used to watch the gravity-defying stunts in the circus and dream of a future as an aerial performer. Unfortunately, I lacked upper body strength and my parents refused to pursue that path. Sadly, there would be no tightrope or trapeze for me. Or so I thought… When I heard about an aerial circus class in New York City, I jumped at the chance to try it out. Who wouldnt want to pretend to be a Cirque du Soleil performer for a day? My husband and I joined the circus for a day and lived to tell the tale. We went to Om Factory in Manhattan and met with trainer Brenna Bradbury who led us through a circus playground session. I thought the class would be fun, but had no idea how much of a workout it would actually be. Could I pull myself up from a rope to a dangling circular bar? I didnt think so. “It involves a lot of arm and back muscles,” Bradbury explained. “However, it doesnt lower the lower body, but because we have to lift ourselves with our own arms, it tends to work more on the upper body.” We were literally hanging by a thread… Sam Okazaki I have been practicing yoga for years and thought I had the grace and precision to handle the various aerial apparatuses – silks, lyra (hoops), and ropes. After proving my yoga skills were more useful when I was hanging upside down, 12 feet off the ground. I focused on my breathing to stay calm. We were in a room with performance experts who were sometimes hanging by just an ankle while appearing weightless with every move. My favorite part of the class was the silks after engaging your entire body, plus I was able to do some graceful spins on them. Agile, right? Sam Okazaki Aerial circus requires a lot – and challenges your body and mind. But the longer you work, the easier it becomes (at least thats what the trainers told us!). Bradburys advice for beginners is to find a similar class to an aerial circus playground or start with aerial yoga. Theres nothing more fun than showing up to a class where everyone is already on the ceiling.”

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