Rene Russo在’Queen Latifah Show’中揭示了双相情感障碍的斗争

Rene Russo在’Queen Latifah Show’中揭示了双相情感障碍的斗争

女演员Rene Russo在本周录制的“女王拉提法秀”期间发表了令人惊讶的承认,她坦率地谈到了她与双相情感障碍的终生斗争.

现年60岁的Russo正与杰拉·吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)一起出演,她是新作惊悚片“Nightcrawler”中的联合主演,当两人被Latifah要求描述他们生活中必须“推翻”的事情时。 Russo先说,“双极药物。”吉伦哈尔反驳道,“她让我受伤了。”

“我几乎撞墙了,”拉索说。 “然后我意识到我的整个童年,我的妈妈说,’你是走走停停的。’然后我停了下来,我不得不喜欢,’哇,’这对我来说.

“对于所有有麻烦但也许对服用药物感到不满的人,我不得不说 – 我的意思是,我没想到会这么说 – 但这对我来说真的是这样……你会通过它“。



“我真的坠毁了,撞到墙上,无法起床,”拉索说。 “我认为这是抑郁症。但是如果你服用抗抑郁药,它会加速你。所以我有点停下来,我要么崩溃要么速度快。我没有分享这个,但我觉得它很亲切重要的是;我有一些朋友不想继续用药,而且他们正在受苦。“

Latifah和Russo最后总结说,那些正在遭受苦难的人 – 并且对服用药物感到担心 – “没关系”。

Russo主演了两部“致命武器”电影,“Get Shorty”和“The Thomas Crown Affair”等电影。 “Nightcrawler”于10月31日在影院上映. 

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English for those who are interested in reading it. The article discusses actress Rene Russos recent admission on the talk show “The Queen Latifah Show” about her lifelong struggle with bipolar disorder. During the show, Russo and her co-star Jake Gyllenhaal were asked to describe something they had to “overcome” in their lives, to which Russo responded with “bipolar medication.” She went on to explain how she realized she needed to take action to deal with the illness after experiencing a breakdown. The article concludes with Latifah and Russo reassuring those who are suffering and hesitant about taking medication that its okay to seek help.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or experience to share on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English for those who are interested in reading it. The article discusses how actress Rene Russo opened up about her lifelong struggle with bipolar disorder during the recording of “The Queen Latifah Show” this week. She revealed that she almost crashed into a wall before realizing that she needed to take action to cope with the illness. Russos co-star, Jake Gyllenhaal, joked that he was sorry he had to follow her lead. The article concludes with Latifah and Russo reassuring those who are suffering and worried about taking medication that its okay to seek help.

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