

斯嘉丽 Johansson: Is she or isn't she? A new study shows what it takes to be a true Nordic blonde.
斯嘉丽约翰逊:她或不是吗?一项新研究表明,成为一名真正的北欧金发女郎需要做些什么.REX / AGF s.r.l. /今天


微小的单字母突变甚至不是控制毛发生长的基因。在数英里远的地方 – 从遗传学的角度来说 – 科学家曾经认为是“垃圾”DNA。这是一种基因转换,可以降低看似无关的基因的活性.


正在改变的基因非常重要。它被称为KITLG基因,它对许​​多不同的细胞类型至关重要,包括黑色素细胞 – 参与皮肤颜色 – 血细胞和称为生殖细胞的基本细胞。突变可以杀死小鼠或使它们贫血或无菌.











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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding.

    Scarlett Johansson: Is she or isnt she? A new study shows what it takes to be a true Nordic blonde. Researchers reported on Sunday that making a true Nordic blonde requires just a slight change in genetic code. Even tiny single-letter mutations are not genes that control hair growth. Miles away – genetically speaking – scientists once thought of as “junk” DNA. This is a gene conversion that can reduce the activity of seemingly unrelated genes. David Kingsley, a researcher at Stanford Universitys Howard Hughes Medical Institute, said, “This is just an example of a deep skin feature.” Changing genes is very important. It is called the KITLG gene, which is critical to many different cell types, including melanocytes – involved in skin color – blood cells, and basic cells called germ cells. Mutations can kill mice or make them anemic or sterile. However, the mutation that makes people blonde and blue-eyed is not in the gene itself. It is located in different regions of DNA that control the actual operation of genes. Single-letter changes, from “A” to “G” in the four-letter DNA code, make the difference between being a blonde or a brunette. But Kingsley said it doesnt seem to do anything else. It does not affect eye color, skin color, or intelligence. “It shows that blonde has nothing to do with blonde,” Kingsley said. Of course, there are multiple genes involved in making blonde hair. Humans have many genes that affect hair color, some of which affect overall coloring. This particular blonde is common among Icelanders and Scandinavian peninsula residents. Understanding these changes is more important than just understanding why humans are so diverse in their eyes, skin, and hair dye. These tiny changes in little-known areas of the genome may affect disease and other features. “We think the genome is full of switches,” Kingsley said. Kingsleys team found this particular blonde mutation while studying the thorny fish, which changes color based on water growth. “We think human hair color is at least as interesting as back skin color.” They found a way to remove mutations from DNA and cultivate mice with the same genetic configuration. Give the mice an “A” at that point in the DNA, and they are brown. Kingsley said, give them a “G,” and they are light

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English for better understanding.

    Scarlett Johansson: Is she or isnt she? A new study shows what it takes to be a true Nordic blonde. Researchers reported on Sunday that making a true Nordic blonde requires only a slight change in genetic code. Even tiny single-letter mutations are not genes that control hair growth. Miles away – genetically speaking – scientists once thought of as “junk” DNA. This is a gene conversion that can reduce the activity of seemingly unrelated genes. David Kingsley, a researcher at Stanford Universitys Howard Hughes Medical Institute, said, “This is just an example of a deep skin feature.” Changing genes is very important. It is called the KITLG gene, which is critical to many different cell types, including melanocytes – involved in skin color – blood cells, and basic cells called germ cells. Mutations can kill mice or make them anemic or sterile. However, the mutation that makes people blonde and blue-eyed is not in the gene itself. It is located in different areas of DNA that control the actual operation of the gene. Single-letter changes, from “A” to “G” in the four-letter DNA code, make the difference between being a blonde or a brunette. But Kingsley said it doesnt seem to do anything else. It does not affect eye color, skin color, or intelligence. “It shows that blonde has nothing to do with blonde,” Kingsley said. Of course, there are multiple genes involved in making blonde hair. Humans have many genes that affect hair color, some of which affect overall coloring. This particular blonde is common among Icelanders and Scandinavian peninsula residents. Understanding these changes is more important than just understanding why humans are so diverse in their eyes, skin, and hair dye. These tiny changes in little-known areas of the genome may affect disease and other features. “We think the genome is full of switches,” Kingsley said. Kingsleys team found this particular blonde mutation while studying the thorny fish, which changes color based on water growth. “We think human hair color is at least as interesting as back skin color.” They found a way to remove mutations from DNA and cultivate mice with the same genetic configuration. Give the mice an “A” at that point in the DNA, and they are brown. Kingsley said, give them a “G,” and they are

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