



阿什顿, 23, believes that the key to happiness is honoring yourself from within
23岁的阿什顿认为幸福的关键是从内部尊重自己.礼貌Ashton Colby

“我不是身体部位的集合,”科尔比告诉今天。 “我只是一个想过自己的生活,快乐的人.




阿什顿, age 17, at the Miss Teen Columbus Pageant 2008.

“从很小的时候起,我就是个假小子,”科尔比回忆道。 “在青春期之前,成为那个人真好。但是在中学时,孩子们开始取笑你,成年人开始对你的生活应该有什么期望.




Colby的传统外观让青少年在选美赛道上变得自然 – 而Colby的母亲,她以前的前任女郎,喜欢穿上亮片礼服和宽幅卷发。.





这不是关于获胜。我没想到会赢。但我意识到我不能再这样做了 – 不只是选美,而是整个表演。当我下台时,我失去了它…我认为人们认为我是一个痛苦的失败者,但这是因为我知道我必须完成本章。“

阿什顿 Colby, age 20, in April 2012, right before starting testosterone injections.

科尔比回到学校,开始秘密研究过渡到男人的后勤工作。虽然他在YouTube和其他在线社区中找到了安慰,但他对前方的旅程感到沮丧和不知所措 – 以及单独行动的可能性.



“他一直怀疑我正在努力解决这个问题,”科尔比说。 “我打电话给奶奶,不知道她会怎么回应.



阿什顿 Colby, age 21, in July 2012, after one month on testosterone.

阿什顿说:“我无法描述长发后甚至延长头发的感觉。” “这实际上是一个重量被提升。”



阿什顿 Colby, age 21, after five months on testosterone and before his double mastectomy.


虽然人们很尊重,但科尔比确实面临强烈反对。 “我的妈妈很难用它,”他说。 “我们几年没说真话。”

他补充说,“其他人说我会后悔的。他们无法理解为什么我会放弃这种盛会的生活 – 为什么当我还是个漂亮的女孩时,我想成为一个男人.




科尔比说:“即使是那些一开始就不理解的人,我已经看到我过得多么开心,然后回来支持我。” “我妈妈和我在过去的圣诞节里度过了三年来的第一次,这很不错.


相关:Eddie Redmayne:’丹麦女孩’的跨性别角色是’礼物’


他说:“我有过像女人一样生活的经历 – 被迫陷入困境,生活在压力之下,以某种方式看待。” “这个很难(硬。我认识到我现在接受治疗的方式存在差异。 2016年仍然存在性别歧视和性别不平等。“




About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or a specific language to comment in. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “This is a killer move: “Former beauty queen hangs up her crown to become… a man!” However, 23-year-old Ashton Colby is passionate about changing the sensationalized and often simplified way the media tells transgender stories. Ashton believes that the key to happiness is respecting oneself from within. “I am not a collection of body parts,” Colby told Today. “I am just a person who wants to live my life and be happy. “To challenge existing stereotypes, we need to talk less about surgery and more about humanizing and subjectifying stories about who transgender people are.” Fairly, Ashton recognizes that his story is unusual: an Ohio Columbus child who competed in notorious gender normative beauty pageants as a teenager, which suppressed his natural tendency to express himself in the opposite way. “From a very young age, I was a tomboy,” Colby recalled. “It was great to be that person before puberty. But in middle school, kids start teasing you, and adults start having expectations about what your life should be like. “Beauty pageants are a way of suppressing emotions because I am different. I mistakenly thought that if I could embody the female ideal of what was expected of me, I could become that person.” He added, “If the people around me are happy, I will be happy.” Colbys traditional appearance made him natural on the beauty pageant circuit – and Colbys mother, his former pageant queen, loved to wear glittering gowns and wide-brimmed curls. But the pressure to fake it made Colby increasingly anxious and confused. In October 2011, Colby, a freshman at Ohio University, made a breakthrough in the Miss Ohio pageant. “I remember they were on stage during the awards ceremony,” he said. “Usually, you can pretend to smile or something, but my cheeks started twitching, and I felt overwhelming anxiety.” Its not about winning. I didnt expect to win. But I realized I couldnt do this anymore – not just the pageant, but the whole performance. When I got off stage, I lost it… I think people thought I was a miserable failure, but it was because I knew I had to finish this chapter.” In April 2012, before starting testosterone injections, Colby

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or a preferred language to write in. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “This is a killer move: “Former beauty queen hangs up her crown to become… a man!” However, 23-year-old Ashton Colby is passionate about changing the sensationalized and often simplified way the media tells transgender stories. Ashton believes that the key to happiness is respecting oneself from within. “I am not a collection of body parts,” Colby told Today. “I am just a person who wants to live my life and be happy. “To challenge existing stereotypes, we need to talk less about surgery and more about humanizing and subjectifying stories about who transgender people are.” To be fair, Ashton recognizes that his story is unusual: an Ohio Columbus child who competed in notorious gender normative beauty pageants as a teenager, which could suppress his natural tendency to behave in the opposite way. “From a very young age, I was a tomboy,” Colby recalled. “It was great to be that person before puberty. But in middle school, kids start teasing you, and adults start having expectations about what your life should be like. “Beauty pageants are a way to suppress emotions because I am different. I mistakenly thought that if I could embody the female ideal of what was expected of me, I could become that person.” He added, “If the people around me are happy, I will be happy.” Colbys traditional appearance made him natural on the beauty pageant circuit – and his mother, his former ex-girlfriend, loved to wear glittering dresses and wide-brimmed curls. But the pressure to fake it made Colby increasingly anxious and confused. In October 2011, Colby, a freshman at Ohio University, made a breakthrough in the Miss Ohio competition. “I remember they were on stage during the awards ceremony,” he said. “Usually, you can pretend to smile or something, but my cheeks started twitching, and I felt overwhelming anxiety.” Its not about winning. I didnt expect to win. But I realized I couldnt do this anymore – not just beauty pageants, but the whole performance. When I got off stage, I lost it… I think people thought I was a miserable failure, but it was because I knew I had to finish this chapter.” In April 2012, before starting testosterone injections, Colby, 20

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