

大学生拉着通宵学习课程,喝能量饮料,咖啡,并越来越多地转向像Adderall这样的处方药,引发了对药物滥用的担忧。现在,一种非处方膳食补充剂正在制定促进大脑的承诺,但没有证据证明“Study Buddy”药丸 – 或任何其他补充剂 – 将为学生的GPA做任何事情.

自从Brainiac Supplements于2010年推出以来,“Study Buddy”药丸已遍布亚利桑那州,内华达州和加拿大,并且在大学校园中越来越受欢迎。包含两粒药丸的包装有望“增强记忆力,精神清晰度和注意力“并且”以“优化大脑功能。”公司声称,“学生可以更快,更有效地学习。”他们没有得到任何大学的认可,但是在校园内和校园附近的便利店出售。.

与其他此类产品一样,Study Buddy含有草药和维生素以及咖啡因等兴奋剂. 

塔弗斯大学Jean Mayer USDA人类营养中心的科学家塔米·斯科特(Tammy Scott)说:“没有科学知道任何补充剂都比浓缩咖啡更好。”他研究了维生素对认知的影响。.


目前的研究伙伴配方含有大剂量的维生素D和B族维生素(例如B12的每日价值的8,333%),此外还有咖啡因和长期以来一直享有盛誉的各种草​​药,如银杏叶粉 – 尽管未经证明 – 改善记忆力. 

Study Buddy网站称这些药丸含有“与8盎司咖啡相当的咖啡因”或约95毫克咖啡因。该公司警告说,如果“怀孕,哺乳,未满18岁或有高血压或低血压”,不应使用Study Buddy。






两个Study Buddy胶囊相当于一剂,售价2.99美元 – 比星巴克格兰德黑咖啡多一美元.


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article in English. The article discusses the growing concern over the abuse of drugs among college students who are pulling all-nighters to study and turning to prescription drugs like Adderall. In response, a non-prescription dietary supplement called “Study Buddy” has been developed to promote brain function, but there is no evidence that it improves GPA. The supplement contains herbs, vitamins, and stimulants like caffeine, but scientists say there is no scientific evidence that any supplement is better than concentrated coffee. The company claims that the supplement can enhance memory, mental clarity, and attention, but it has not been approved by any university. The supplement has become popular on college campuses in Arizona, Nevada, and Canada, and is sold in convenience stores near campuses. The companys medical director admits that the supplement has never been studied in the human body, and it is not regulated by the FDA. Experts suggest that the best way to boost brain function is to get enough sleep before exams.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, I can provide a summary of the article in English. The article discusses the growing concern over the abuse of drugs among college students who are pulling all-nighters to study and turning to prescription drugs like Adderall. In response, a non-prescription dietary supplement called “Study Buddy” has been developed to promote brain function, but there is no evidence that it improves GPA. The supplement contains herbs, vitamins, and stimulants like caffeine, but scientists say there is no scientific evidence that any supplement is better than concentrated coffee. The company claims that the supplement can enhance memory, mental clarity, and attention, but it has not been approved by any university. The supplement has become popular on college campuses in Arizona, Nevada, and Canada, and is sold in convenience stores near campuses. The companys medical director admits that the pills have never been studied in the human body, and they have not been inspected by the FDA because they are classified as dietary supplements. The article concludes that while exam sleep is the best brain booster, students who need to stay up can use lower doses of caffeine every two hours or two cups of standard coffee.

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