

公共利益科学中心将其命名为“美国最糟糕的餐厅餐厅” – 他们说它是Long John Silver的Big Catch,售价4.99美元,配有7-8盎司的炸鳕鱼,嘘小狗以及选择侧。 (CSPI测试版本以洋葱圈为侧面。)

这顿饭是如此之大,以至于Long John Silver鼓励顾客将照片发布到其Facebook页面上,显示空的Big Catch容器以证明他们完成了它.

CSPI的实验室测试显示,Big Catch餐中有33克反式脂肪,他们说这些都来自餐厅使用部分氢化煎炸油。测试还显示快餐鱼粉含有19克饱和脂肪和3,700毫克钠和1,320卡路里.

Long John Silver的网站不包括Big Catch餐中油炸鳕鱼的营养信息。但根据该公司的说法,洋葱圈的订单包含7克反式脂肪,5克饱和脂肪和945毫克钠;两件式的hushpuppies包含3克反式脂肪,2克饱和脂肪和412毫克钠.


CSPI参观了D.C.地区的三家餐馆,购买了12个炒黑线鳕,7个炸薯条,5个洋葱圈和13个嘘小狗。样品被送到实验室测试,商业生物分析测试公司Eurofins,执行董事Michael Jacobson告诉TODAY.com.

周二下午,LJS Partners旗下的Long John Silver’s在其网站上发表声明:“Long John Silver’s提供各种膳食选择,包括烤鱼和虾,几乎可以满足每个用餐者的饮食选择。我们支持我们公布的食品数据并将审查来自CSPI的任何提出有关我们数据的问题的请求。“



NBC新闻饮食和健康编辑Madelyn Fernstrom解释说,部分氢化油是反式脂肪的主要来源。它既可以提高LDL,也可以提高“坏”胆固醇,降低HDL或“好”胆固醇。 “这与几十年前被发现时相反,人们认为化学改性植物脂肪似乎更像黄油和其他动物脂肪是一件好事,”Fernstrom通过电子邮件说。 “对于胆固醇测量,科学已经证明它比动物脂肪更糟糕了。因此,许多餐馆已经摆脱了这种食用油。”

Fernstrom将Big Catch称为“三重打击” – 一个盘子上的三种油炸食品,每个都装满了不健康的动脉堵塞脂肪.



例如,根据发布的营养信息,在Long John Silver’s,“Hold the Batter Cod”或“Hold the Batter Shrimp”的订单每个都有零克反式脂肪和饱和脂肪,两个项目都接近100卡路里。到连锁店的网站。菜单确实提供非油炸的配菜,如调味青豆,米饭或烤土豆,所有这些都有零克反式脂肪和低至无克饱和脂肪.

“不要被像’面糊炸鱼’这样的健康食品冒充者所愚弄,”Fernstrom建议道。 “面糊和油是健康的负面因素,如果你想要鱼,可以选择烘烤或烤制。大多数菜单都有烘焙选择 – 或者你可以简单地要求它。如果你喜欢在餐馆吃饭时选择油炸食品,那么选择 选项。炸鱼?买沙拉和烤土豆。想要嘘小狗?加倍蔬菜,选择烤鱼片。“

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the naming of Long John Silvers Big Catch as the “worst restaurant meal in America” by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). The article highlights the high levels of trans fat, saturated fat, sodium, and calories found in the meal, as well as the use of partially hydrogenated oil in the restaurants cooking. The article also provides advice on making healthier choices when eating at fast-food restaurants.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the naming of Long John Silvers Big Catch as the “worst restaurant meal in America” by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). The CSPI conducted laboratory tests on the meal and found that it contained 33 grams of trans fat, which they claim comes from the restaurants use of partially hydrogenated frying oil. The meal also contains 19 grams of saturated fat, 3,700 milligrams of sodium, and 1,320 calories. The CSPI also found that the restaurant underestimated the amount of trans fat, saturated fat, and sodium in their onion rings and hush puppies. The article provides advice on making healthier choices when eating at fast-food restaurants.

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