



之前 and after belly button surgery



迈阿密整形外科医生Adam Rubinstein博士解释说,在英语中,这意味着美丽的肚脐基本上很小,垂直方向,并有一个小翻盖或“帽子”。 “使用花花公子玩伴是一种随意的样本。仅仅因为这些女性被认为是美丽并不意味着她们有美丽的肚脐,“他说.


“例如,如果外科医生没有创造腹部按钮,成年人可能会失去腹部按钮,有时他们只是通过另一种胃手术就会失去它,”鲁宾斯坦说。 “有时创建的肚脐看起来非常糟糕。”体重增加,怀孕和脐疝也可以使肚脐不那么吸引人。用于创建肚脐的程序称为脐部成形术,仅需约30分钟至约一小时即可完成.

这不是第一个定义美丽肚脐的研究。早在2000年,密苏里大学的研究人员对147名年龄在18至62岁的女性参与者的腹部按钮进行了分析和评分。他们的研究发表在“塑料与重建外科”期刊上,同时发现了T形或垂直形状的肚脐在美学方面最具吸引力的小罩子。 “Innies”总是优于“outies”,水平或扭曲的方向也没有吸引力.


1993年,55岁的舒尔曼在佛罗里达州哈伦代尔海滩说:“1993年,我的腹部收缩得很厉害,多年来我看起来肚子里有一个’屁股’。” “我看起来像个外星人。”

去年,她重新做了肚子,并得到了一个新的肚脐。 “我觉得自己像个新人,而我30年的丈夫对我的外表和感觉非常满意,”Shulman说,她急忙买了两件式泳衣。 “那些认为自己的肚脐很好的人真的很幸运,但想象一下,如果你的肚子只是可怕的话。”


“有许多人穿着肚脐,现在他们有刺耳的遗憾和疤痕,有几个孩子,现在他们的肚脐的女人都是畸形的,然后有纹身的人说要摆脱纹身并给我一个新的肚脐,“比佛利山庄整形外科医生Brent Moelleken博士说.  



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the topic of belly button surgery and the desire for a “perfect” belly button. It highlights a new study that provides a roadmap for doctors to create the ideal belly button shape and position. The article also mentions the importance of creating a belly button that is proportionate to the rest of the abdomen and the potential need for belly button surgery due to weight gain, pregnancy, or hernias. Overall, the article sheds light on the growing trend of belly button surgery and the desire for a flawless appearance.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the topic of belly button surgery and the desire for a “perfect” belly button. It highlights a new study that provides a roadmap for doctors to create the ideal belly button shape and position. The article also mentions the importance of creating a belly button that is proportionate to the rest of the abdomen and the potential need for belly button surgery due to weight gain, pregnancy, or hernias. Overall, the article sheds light on the growing trend of belly button surgery and the desire for a flawless appearance.

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