






但关键在于:保持花卉安排可以最大限度地减少焦虑和压力的感觉,两种主要的睡眠抑制剂 – 以及两个导致早晨不舒服的事情。 (这里不足为奇:获得良好的睡眠是第一步,轻松唤醒。为了获得更好的睡眠,请查看这些65个技巧以获得最佳睡眠效果。)





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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the benefits of having fresh flowers in your home, as it can boost your mood and reduce anxiety and stress. The American Floral Association conducted a six-month study that showed that having flowers at home can increase empathy towards others and act as an emotional booster throughout the day. Additionally, the article suggests that having a positive morning routine, such as waking up to fresh flowers, can have a positive impact on your mood. The article also provides other tips for improving your mood, such as spending time with pets or eating citrus fruits.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the benefits of having fresh flowers in your home, as it can boost your mood and reduce anxiety and stress. The American Floral Association conducted a six-month study that showed that having flowers in your home can increase empathy towards others and act as an emotional booster throughout the day. Additionally, the article suggests that having a positive morning routine, such as waking up to a floral arrangement, can have a positive impact on your mood. The article also provides other tips for improving your mood, such as spending time with pets or eating citrus fruits.

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