

Patty Blue Hays发现她七年的丈夫有外遇之后不久就开始了震颤.


“同样的想法和感受有一个恒定的循环,”现年53岁的海斯告诉今天。 “就像我的脑子在仓鼠的轮子上,无法下车。”

帕蒂 Blue Hays
当她发现我们的丈夫在欺骗Patty时,Blue Hays开始出现震颤,平衡问题以及各种其他身体症状。他们都被追查到焦虑.Fabian Jimenez。 /由Patty Blue Hays提供




“这就是挑战,”西北纪念医院焦虑专家兼精神病学家Michael Ziffra博士说。 “你可能更容易头痛,并且它会导致认知障碍,注意力,注意力集中和注意力集中,这并不罕见。你甚至可能发现你的记忆受损了。“

看来,身体的任何部分都不会免疫。 “通常有胃肠道表现,如便秘或腹泻,”Ziffra说。 “它可能导致颈部和背部紧张 – 压力和焦虑被认为是慢性背痛的重要组成部分。”

当焦虑激烈时,它可能导致惊恐发作。 “你的心脏可能开始比赛,或者你可能会感到呼吸困难,”Ziffra说。 “你可能会感到晕眩或头晕,或者很热或很冷。你可能会发展震颤。或者可能会有一种感觉,你失去平衡。“

这些症状都与战斗或飞行反应有关,David Geffen医学院精神病学和生物行为科学临床教授,Semel神经科学与人类行为研究所认知行为治疗诊所主任Emanuel Maidenberg博士说。在加州大学洛杉矶分校.






然而,对于某些人来说,焦虑的身体症状可能导致一个慢性问题 – 这解释了许多恐惧症。 Maidenberg说,当特定的体验(例如在狭小的空间中)引发焦虑的强烈身体症状时,可能导致长期避免这种体验。.




Ziffra说,如今医生经常将药物与其他类型的干预措施结合起来,如冥想,瑜伽,正念和按摩。他说:“我与人们谈论确保他们获得足够的运动,保持良好的饮食,避免吸毒和酗酒以及咖啡因。” “我确保他们有良好的睡眠习惯。”




“他给了我Xanax的处方,我不记得他告诉我除了药物之外的其他任何事情,”她说。 “我不记得有关深呼吸练习,走路或冥想的讨论。今天我意识到有很多可用的工具,我已经学会识别症状并管理它们 – 并寻求帮助。“

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Patty Blue Hays began to tremble shortly after discovering her husband of seven years was having an affair. Soon, she began to experience balance issues and instability when walking. She often felt nauseous and sometimes vomited. She couldnt sleep at night because her brain couldnt calm down enough to let her relax. “The same thoughts and feelings have a constant loop,” the 53-year-old Hays told Today. “Its like my brain is on a hamster wheel and cant get off.” When she discovered her husband was cheating on her, Blue Hays began to experience tremors, balance issues, and various other physical symptoms. They were all traced back to anxiety. Hays didnt know what was wrong with her. But one day, she mentioned all those physical symptoms to her therapist. He didnt miss a beat, saying, “Oh, this is anxiety,” and suggested she seek medication help from her primary care doctor. Anxiety is expressed through the body rather than emotional expression, or we become accustomed to feeling anxious, we begin to ignore it and cannot link physical symptoms to anxiety. This can make it difficult for doctors to make the right diagnosis because anxiety can produce a variety of symptoms. “Thats the challenge,” said Dr. Michael Ziffra, an anxiety expert and psychiatrist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. “You may be more prone to headaches, and it can lead to cognitive impairment, attention, concentration, and focus, which is not uncommon. You may even find that your memory is impaired.” It seems that no part of the body is immune. “There are usually gastrointestinal manifestations, such as constipation or diarrhea,” Ziffra said. “It can lead to neck and back tension – stress and anxiety are considered important components of chronic back pain.” When anxiety is intense, it can lead to panic attacks. “Your heart may start racing, or you may feel short of breath,” Ziffra said. “You may feel dizzy or lightheaded, or very hot or very cold. You may develop tremors. Or there may be a feeling that you are losing your balance.” These symptoms are related to the fight or flight response, said Dr. Emanuel Maidenberg, clinical professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at the David Geffen School of Medicine and director of

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