



在他的洛杉矶厨房里,Martin Muoto制作了自己的Master Cleanse版本。 10天后,他将固体食物换成水,柠檬汁,辣椒和龙舌兰.

“前三天是Master Cleanse中最艰难的一天。那是你最饥饿的时候,“Muoto在今日片段中说道。 “如果你能超过三天,你会觉得毒素刚刚从你体内渗出。”



“基本问题是这是一种不平衡的饮食方法,”加州大学洛杉矶分校的内分泌学家David Heber博士告诉今天。 “三天的排毒饮食无法消除你体内或体内可能没有的毒素。”

他说,短暂的清洁可能没有害处。 “可能需要一两天或三天作为节食的起点,因为在精神上,这有点像扔掉一包香烟,”希伯补充说。.


今天的撰稿人Roshini Raj博士并不感到惊讶,因为有很多人表示他们曾尝试过清洁产品,并说很多患者都会询问这些产品。.

“每个人都想减肥。他们想要感觉健康,他们认为这可能是一种选择,“Raj告诉TODAY的Willie Geist。 “如果你发现自己甚至在考虑清洁,这可能是一个迹象,一般来说你对自己的饮食方式不满意,你可能想和某人讨论平衡的方法,这是一个更长期的解决方案。 ”




“这是一个非常临时的水重,你正在失去所以它不会持久,”拉吉说。 “你以后会吃得更多,因为你很饿。这不是一种平衡的减肥方法,而且这种观念认为你可以随心所欲地吃任何你想要的东西,然后清洗一周并摆脱以前不良饮食的所有不良影响,这是没有意义的。“




“事实是,你只是得到了很多水果和蔬菜,这是一件好事,但除了其他一切,不是那么好,”拉吉说,并补充说许多果汁产品有很多糖。 “我不介意喝果汁而不是一顿饭,但是当它连续几天三餐时,这不是一个好主意。”


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  1. 作为一名语言模型AI,我无法对此进行评论,但我可以提供以下翻译:

    Believers are making their own version of Master Cleanse at home for $8 per bottle, hoping that juice cleansing can detoxify their bodies and perhaps help them lose weight. With celebrity endorsements, cleansing has become a $5 billion industry. Consumers say drinking them makes them feel great, although experts warn there is no evidence they are effective and could be dangerous, according to a report released today. In his Los Angeles kitchen, Martin Muoto makes his own version of Master Cleanse. After 10 days, he switches solid food for water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and tequila. “The first three days are the hardest in Master Cleanse. Thats when youre the hungriest,” Muoto said in a TODAY segment. “If you can get past three days, you feel like the toxins are just seeping out of you.” As he progresses, Muoto said, “You feel great. You have more energy. You sleep better. Its almost a spiritual experience.” However, experts say there is no scientific evidence that the product can rid the body of toxins, which is the function of the liver and kidneys. They warn that people who rely solely on cleansing are not getting proper nutrition. “The basic problem is that its an unbalanced diet approach,” said Dr. David Heber, an endocrinologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, in TODAY. “Three days of detox diets wont eliminate toxins from your body that may or may not be there.” He said short-term cleanses may not be harmful. “It may take one or two or three days as a starting point for a diet because, psychologically, its a little bit like throwing away a pack of cigarettes,” Heber added. TODAY.coms survey of hundreds of people found that 60% had not tried cleansing, while 40% had. Among those who had used cleanses, most (61%) said they felt better afterward, 7% said they felt worse and 32% felt no different. TODAY contributor Dr. Roshini Raj was not surprised, saying many people report trying cleansing products and that many patients ask about them. “Everyone wants to lose weight. They want to feel healthy, and they think this might be an option,” Raj told TODAYs Willie Geist. “If

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