

冰壶:这是我们所听到的一项奥林匹克运动,但可能对此并不了解。一群人席卷冰雪 – 这有多难?





准备,设置,CURL!Tyler Essary /今天


Dylan Dreyer和Craig Melvin模特疯狂的挪威冰壶制服


在冰壶比赛期间,你必须在冰上跑步。它是 即使您在运动鞋周围穿着保护性橡胶鞋底也很容易.

一旦你将冰上运行的东西放下,你必须增加另一项技能:尽可能用力地刷冰以使其变暖,这样石头就能轻松滑动。从本质上讲,你在跑步时会扫过很滑的地板。 (好像扫地一样不够糟糕?)

如果我们这样清理我们的地板.Tyler Essary /今天

如果你觉得这很有挑战性,那就更难了。推动冰壶石是一种愚蠢的行为。它需要很多协调,我当然没有。你必须用一只脚引导,同时移动你的对手和手腕,然后让石头走了 – 都在几秒钟之内。我不止一次试图掌握游戏的这一部分.

这比它看起来要难得多!Tyler Essary /今天



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    Curling: This is an Olympic sport that we may have heard of, but may not know much about. A group of people swept through the ice and snow – how difficult is it? Well, after holding the Winter Olympics in our minds, five of todays staff and I went to see if we had anything to win gold. Curious about curling? We learned everything about this Olympic sport! Feb.15.201803:16 We spent an afternoon at the Long Island Curling Club for Curling 101. They taught us all the basics, like how to throw stones, brush ice, and the rules of the game. Honestly, Im still a bit fuzzy on the details. Although it looks simple at first, this game is very complex. Ready, set, CURL! Tyler Essary / Today Once we mastered the basics (or at least thought we did), it was time to play the actual game. We split into two teams and started brushing the ice. Things quickly became competitive. Dylan Dreyer and Craig Melvin model crazy Norwegian curling uniforms Feb.14.201801:28 During a curling match, you have to run on the ice. Its not easy, even with protective rubber soles around your athletic shoes. Once you put something on the ice, you have to add another skill: brush the ice as hard as possible to warm it up so the stone can slide easily. Essentially, youre sweeping over a very slippery floor while running. (As if sweeping the floor wasnt bad enough?) If we cleaned our floors like this. Tyler Essary / Today If you think thats challenging, it gets even harder. Pushing a curling stone is a silly act. It takes a lot of coordination, which I certainly dont have. You have to guide with one foot while moving your opponent and wrist, and then let the stone go – all in a matter of seconds. Ive tried to master this part of the game more than once. Its much harder than it looks! Tyler Essary / Today Even though our bodies were tired, I cant remember the last time there were so many fun sports. We laughed and learned throughout the game. Beijing, here we come? Not so fast! I think we need more than four years to get enough gold medals.

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