

作者:美国全国广播公司新闻高级卫生作家Maggie Fox





更穷 people make bad decisions, such as using pawn s to raise cash, according to the study


“想象一下,你坐在一台电脑前,它的速度非常慢,”哈佛大学经济学家Sendhil Mullainathan说道,他参与了这项研究。.


他们报告了两个实验,证明了它是如何工作的 – 一个在新泽西的一个ping商场完成,另一个在印度与甘蔗农民一起完成.

通过101人,他们给了他们一系列解决问题的测试 – 例如,问他们如何处理5%的减薪,减薪15%;或紧急汽车维修费用为150美元或1,500美元。在他们的脑海中,他们还获得了基本的智商和基于计算机的焦点和注意力测试.


“这是他们心中的变化,”沙菲尔告诉NBC新闻。 “两次测试都是一样的。所有这些变化都是修理汽车所需的费用。通过修理你的汽车会分散你的注意力。当汽车价格便宜时,你就会非常聪明,而在修理汽车这个问题时,你就不那么聪明了。“


面对金融危机时,农民在现实生活中做出了更糟糕的决定 – 他们为更多的项目付出了代价 – 这是一个真正可怕的财务决策 – 借钱的可能性是他们的两倍.







“你想做的一件事是促进带宽,”沙菲尔说。 “你想要想办法让事情变得更容易。”

富裕的人可能有保姆,会计师和司机,他们放心,专注于其他问题。穷人经常忙于处理不充分和不可靠的托儿,交通和住房问题。 “你如何处理需要更好财务管理的人?定期获得报酬而不是零星(帮助),“他说.


沙菲尔说,不只是贫困会分散人们的注意力。与资源稀缺有关的节食和其他干扰也是如此。可能是从食物到时间到金钱的任何限制都特别分散了人类大脑的注意力。 Shafir和Mullainathan写了一本关于“稀缺:为什么太少意味着”这个问题的书,将于9月出版.

“以前对贫困的看法将贫困归咎于个人失败,或者是一种不利于成功的环境,”与沙菲尔合作研究的赵嘉莹说。 “我们认为缺乏财政资源本身会导致认知功能受损。缺乏足够的条件实际上可能导致贫困,”赵先生补充说,现在不列颠哥伦比亚大学心理学助理教授.

研究人员发现,担心金钱是一个巨大的分心。 “这意味着我们无法专注于生活中需要我们关注的其他事情,”赵说.





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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English:

    Author: Maggie Fox, Senior Health Writer for NBC News

    A new study shows that poverty can affect your cognitive abilities. On Thursday, a group of researchers reported that people who are dealing with severe financial stress do not have the mental bandwidth to deal with all the troubles of life. They conducted a series of tests that showed that when people have cash on hand, they can stop worrying and make better decisions. However, because financial distress causes so much attention, they often make poor decisions. Eldar Shafir of Princeton University said, “When youre very, very focused on not having enough, you can do more things, rather than sacrificing other things.” The study was published in the journal “Science.”

    The new study found that when people do not have enough money, they focus on getting more things to the point where they do not make good choices. The research shows that poorer people make wrong decisions, such as using pawnshops to raise cash. The team has been trying to figure out why the poor seem to be caught in a vicious cycle of poverty. An international research group found that most of it seems to boil down to what is attracting their attention. “Imagine sitting in front of a computer that is very slow,” said Sendhil Mullainathan, an economist at Harvard University who was involved in the study. “But then you realize its playing a huge video in the background thats downloading. Its not that the computer is slow, its that its doing something else, so it seems slow to you. I think thats our hearts Im trying to say. ” They reported two experiments that demonstrated how it works – one completed in a ping mall in New Jersey and the other with sugarcane farmers in India.

    They gave 101 people a series of problem-solving tests – such as asking them how they would handle a 5% pay cut, a 15% pay cut, or an emergency car repair bill of $150 or $1,500. In their minds, they also received basic IQ and computer-based focus and attention tests. They averaged $70,000 a year, but some spent only $20,000. When they had a small financial problem in their minds, lower-income and higher-income people did equally well. However, when the car repair bill was high or the pay cut was

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