


英国威根的让·威廉姆斯泰勒发布了一张她弯曲的指甲的照片 – 以锐角向下生长而不是直接从钉床上伸出 – 询问是否有人见过类似的东西。一些人回应建议她寻求医疗.



“经过艰苦的(原文如此)2周,昨天我得到了我的结果…….我肺部的癌症!!!!”泰勒写道,并补充说她不知道弯曲的指甲可能是肺病的症状。 “希望这篇文章可以帮助癌症早期的其他人。”


俄勒冈健康与科学大学指甲紊乱诊所主任Phoebe Rich博士说,指甲状态,即手指或脚趾的杵状指,确实可以指示肺部疾病。.

“这是一个非常有特色的发现和一个很好的诊断线索来看肺部,”里奇告诉今天。 “它可能与数字尖端的氧合作用有关,尽管实际上没有文献可以100%肯定地解释它。”

肺癌幸存者与Megyn Kelly分享她的旅程



“并非所有患有肺部问题的人都会得到这个,但如果你有这个,那么你很有可能出现肺部问题,”里奇说。 “换句话说,很多人患有肺癌而且没有肺癌。”






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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic.

    The changes in our nails can serve as a warning sign for various health issues, including lung cancer, as recently discovered by a woman in the UK who became concerned about her symptoms. Jean Williams Taylor from Wigan, UK, posted a photo of her curved nail, which grew downwards at a sharp angle instead of straight from the nail bed, asking if anyone had seen anything similar. Some people responded by suggesting she seek medical attention. “I was urged to go to the doctor. I thought it was a bit extreme,” she wrote in a follow-up post on Facebook on Tuesday.

    She noted that Taylor was subsequently quick to undergo blood tests and chest X-rays. Two days later, she was instructed to have a CT scan, followed by a PET scan and more blood tests. This led to breathing tests, heart scans, MRI, and a lung biopsy. “After a grueling 2 weeks, yesterday I got my results….I have cancer in my lungs!!!!” Taylor wrote, adding that she had no idea that the curved nail could be a symptom of lung disease. “Hopefully, this article can help other people with early cancer detection.”

    According to Dr. Phoebe Rich, director of the Nail Disorders Clinic at Oregon Health and Science University, nail conditions, such as clubbing of the fingers or toes, can indeed indicate lung disease. “Its a very distinctive finding and a good diagnostic clue to look at the lungs,” Rich told Today. “It may be related to the oxygenation at the tip of the digits, although theres actually no literature that can explain it 100%.”

    The National Library of Medicine in the US notes that clubbing often occurs in heart and lung diseases that reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood. Lung cancer is the most common cause, although congenital heart disease, chronic lung infections, celiac disease, liver disease, Graves disease, and other conditions can also cause it. “Not everyone with lung issues will get this, but if you have this, youre very likely to have lung issues,” Rich said. “In other words, many people have lung cancer and dont have clubbing.”

    In conclusion, it is important to pay attention to changes in our nails as they can serve as a warning sign for various health issues, including lung cancer. If you notice any unusual nail conditions

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