Marilu Henner和她的丈夫分享癌症斗争,恢复

Marilu Henner和她的丈夫分享癌症斗争,恢复

几十年来,女演员Marilu Henner一直致力于促进更健康的生活方式。亨纳和她的丈夫迈克尔·布朗星期二访问了“改变正常”,他们的新书关于他们的关系和他的诊断首先是膀胱癌,然后是肺癌.

marilu henner and michael brown

在采访中,这对夫妇讨论了他们如何使用最好的传统医学,免疫疗法以及改变生活方式来帮助他走上康复之路。亨纳称之为“双管齐下”的方法,使用传统的癌症治疗和改变生活方式。 “这真的是关于综合医学,使用两全其美,”“出租车”明星亨纳告诉Kathie Lee和Hoda.




膀胱是骨盆区域的器官,可以储存尿液,直到您准备排尿。当膀胱内膜中的细胞开始失控并形成肿瘤时,膀胱癌就开始了。膀胱癌约占美国所有新发癌症的5%。 2016年,估计将有77,000个新病例和约16,000人死亡.









  • 需要更频繁地小便
  • 小便时疼痛




  • 手术
  • 化疗和放射治疗
  • 免疫疗法,这是最有希望的疗法之一,通常推荐用于早期膀胱癌。它刺激身体自身的免疫系统,帮助去除癌细胞。药物直接进入膀胱内并涂在内衬上.



  • 停止吸烟. 它不仅消除了膀胱癌的头号风险因素,还会增强您的免疫系统,因为吸烟减慢了身体的愈合速度.
  • 吃健康的饮食. 一些研究表明,获取大量的蔬菜和水果,同时避免使用精制糖,以便在癌症方面发挥作用.
  • 喝水. 有证据表明饮用水可能会降低患膀胱癌的风险,因为它可以消除膀胱中的毒素

NBC新闻医疗单位的Felix Gussone博士和Shelly Choo博士为本报告做出了贡献

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    For decades, actress Marilu Henner has been dedicated to promoting a healthier lifestyle. Henner and her husband Michael Brown visited “Today” on Tuesday to discuss their new book, “Changing Normal,” which details their relationship and his diagnosis of bladder and lung cancer. In the interview, the couple discussed how they used the best of traditional medicine, immunotherapy, and lifestyle changes to help him on the road to recovery. Henner called it a “two-pronged” approach, using both traditional cancer treatments and lifestyle changes. The American Cancer Society urges patients to talk to their doctors when considering alternative treatments. Consult your doctor to learn about any research on these methods and what options you may still have if alternative treatments are ineffective. “Dont be afraid of a second opinion,” Henner said.

    Bladder cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the bladder, an organ in the pelvic area that stores urine until youre ready to urinate. When cells in the bladder lining start to grow out of control and form a tumor, bladder cancer begins. Bladder cancer accounts for about 5% of all new cancer cases in the United States. In 2016, an estimated 77,000 new cases and about 16,000 deaths are expected. Bladder cancer usually grows slowly and typically doesnt spread to other parts of the body. But when it does spread, it usually goes to pelvic lymph nodes or invades nearby organs such as the prostate in men or the uterus in women. Bladder cancer can also spread to distant sites, most commonly the lungs.

    Bladder cancer typically affects people over 50, and men are three to four times more likely to develop it than women. Using tobacco is the most important risk factor. In fact, smokers are at least three times more likely to develop bladder cancer than nonsmokers. In addition, people who use large amounts of chemicals, such as rubber and leather workers, are also more likely to develop bladder cancer. Long-term bladder infections have also been shown to increase the risk of bladder cancer. People who drink a lot of water every day often have a lower rate of bladder cancer. This may be because they empty their bladders more frequently, which can prevent chemicals from lingering in the bladder.

    The treatment for bladder cancer basically has three main methods: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy

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