

整形外科已经成为Lacey Wildd和Justin Jedlica的一个痴迷。 Lacey Wildd通过她的网络粉丝筹集了23,000美元,以便将她从LLL杯子带到Q.她的孩子们对可能危及生命的感染和撕裂表示担忧。她的体重LLL胸部重21磅,他们需要一个手术植入的猪皮胸罩来支撑它们 – 她的新植入物将是42磅,并且需要谁知道什么。然后是她的孩子们收到的欺凌行为.

Wildd解释说,这不是为了她的名气。她从小就长大,希望她的孩子过上更好的生活。 “我想为我的孩子提供并支付大学教育费用,因此他们有机会我没有,”她说.

在32岁时,Justin Jedlica经历了90次不同的外科手术,成为一个自称为“人类肯娃娃”的手术。到目前为止,总共超过10万美元的手术导致医生称之为“危及生命”的植入硅胶量。杰迪利斯谈到他的手术,“我喜欢将自己变形,而手术的陌生人就更好了。违反规范是非常有趣的。”

无论是文章,视频还是电视节目,我们的文化都对此着迷 天鹅. 我们想知道她的乳房有多大,接下来会选择什么手术,她在多次整形手术和吸脂术后第一次看到自己时会想到什么?人们在评论中咕咕咕咕地说道:“他们有什么问题?”

我想说这不是问题。问题是“社会有什么问题?”这是一个社会的产物,如果你有更大的胸部,你可以赚更多的钱做同样的工作。这是一个社会的产物,它将帮助她支付一项它知道危险的布料工作!它是一种文化的产物,说塑料娃娃是男性美的终极。它是一种文化的产物,它表明我们使用非常不自然的过程来对抗衰老的自然过程。这个问题是一个痴迷于年轻人和对美的唯一刻板印象的社会。 Justin声称用“奇怪的手术”来“反抗常态”,但实际上他是一个极端的例子,通过越来越受欢迎的外科手术来追求常规.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture to identify with. However, I can say that the obsession with plastic surgery, as seen in the cases of Lacey Wildd and Justin Jedlica, is a product of our societys unrealistic beauty standards. It is not a problem with the individuals themselves, but rather a problem with the societal pressures that lead them to pursue extreme measures to conform to these standards. Instead of criticizing and judging them, we should focus on creating a culture that values diversity and natural beauty, and does not equate physical appearance with worth or success. It is time to shift our focus from external beauty to inner qualities such as kindness, intelligence, and compassion.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture to identify with. However, I can say that the obsession with plastic surgery, as seen in the cases of Lacey Wildd and Justin Jedlica, is a product of our societys unrealistic beauty standards. It is not a problem with the individuals themselves, but rather a problem with the societal pressures that lead them to pursue extreme measures to conform to these standards. Instead of criticizing and judging them, we should focus on creating a culture that values diversity and natural beauty, and does not equate physical appearance with worth or success. It is time to shift our focus from external beauty to inner qualities such as kindness, intelligence, and compassion.

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