Kate Upton对她的胸部感到“骄傲” 2023

Kate Upton对她的胸部感到“骄傲”

图片: Kate Upton on Vogue
Kate Upton出现在Vogue的六月封面上,并在内部采访中讨论了她的曲线和职业生涯.今天

凯特·厄普顿(Kate Upton)为6月份的Vogue杂志封面,她并不害怕讨论她身材匀称的身材.


这些曲线对厄普顿来说是新的。她的妹妹克里斯蒂告诉该杂志,“她长时间保持瘦弱和扁平。有时她会穿上她的胸罩。我们都做了 – 用纸巾或袜子。”


图片: Kate Upton

这个只有20岁的模特因为没有像时尚界的其他人一样受到批评而被批评,并在采访中回应了这一点。 “有点好笑,想想,’哦,哇,新闻是在谈论我是不是很胖,’”她说.

“他们拒绝的事情是我无法改变的事情,”厄普顿说。 “我不能改变我的胸罩尺寸。它们很自然!我可以锻炼,我可以保持健康和积极性,但我无法改变一些事情。我真的只是过着我的生活。我爱我的身体。这就是什么上帝给了我!“


“我没有购买有封面模特的杂志,因为我不知道它们,”她说。厄普顿自己使用社交媒体,如Twitter和Vine,试图确保她不是那些不可知的模特之一。 “我认为(社交媒体)有点让我作为一种模式,成为人们可以联系的人格。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Kate Uptons appearance on the June cover of Vogue and her discussion of her curves and career in the interview is a significant moment in the fashion industry. It is refreshing to see a model embrace her natural body shape and not succumb to the unrealistic beauty standards set by the industry. Uptons confidence and self-love are inspiring, and it is essential to have such role models in the media. It is also interesting to learn about her background as a horse rider and her journey to becoming a successful model. Overall, the June issue of Vogue seems like a must-read, and I am excited to see Uptons feature.

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