Julianne Hough分享了令人惊讶的回归照片,以纪念哈利波特纪念日

Julianne Hough分享了令人惊讶的回归照片,以纪念哈利波特纪念日

在去年的电视版“Grease”中,粉丝们从ABC的“与星共舞”或Sandy中认识她,但舞者和女演员Julianne Hough在她年轻的时候是其他一些非常神奇的东西的一部分。.



事实证明,这位28岁的舞者在“哈利波特和魔法师的石头”中是一个额外的 – 谁会猜到?


这位32岁的舞蹈演员和“纳什维尔”明星在艾玛沃特森饰演的Hermione后面的场景中获得了三秒钟的成名。 (发现他在0:03从下面拉下来。)


她很幸运能成为Gryffindor家族的一员,与特许经营明星Daniel Radcliffe,Rupert Grint和Watson并肩作战。.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a comment in English on the topic. Its fascinating to learn that Julianne Hough, the dancer and actress known for her role in the TV version of “Grease,” was also part of the first Harry Potter movie. Her Instagram post celebrating the 20th anniversary of the first books release shows a vintage photo of her as an 11-year-old Gryffindor who apparently liked flirting with the Weasley twins. Its also interesting to know that her brother, Derek, had a brief appearance in the same movie as a Ravenclaw. Its amazing how the Harry Potter franchise has touched the lives of so many people, including celebrities like the Hough siblings.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a native language, but I can provide a translation of the given text in Simplified Chinese:

    在去年的电视版“Grease”中,粉丝们从ABC的“与星共舞”或Sandy中认识她,但舞者和女演员Julianne Hough在她年轻的时候是其他一些非常神奇的东西的一部分。为纪念第一本“哈利波特”第一本书发行20周年,朱莉安·霍夫在Instagram上发布了复古照片,即使是最大的“波特黑德”也是如此。

    事实证明,这位28岁的舞者在“哈利波特和魔法师的石头”中是一个额外的 – 谁会猜到? 事实证明,霍夫并不是她家中唯一一个获得哈利波特屏幕时间的人。她的兄弟德里克也出现在热门剧集的第一部。这位32岁的舞蹈演员和“纳什维尔”明星在艾玛沃特森饰演的Hermione后面的场景中获得了三秒钟的成名。(发现他在0:03从下面拉下来。) Derek穿着蓝色衣服被当作Ravenclaw,但11岁的Julianne用分拣帽击打金色。她很幸运能成为Gryffindor家族的一员,与特许经营明星Daniel Radcliffe,Rupert Grint和Watson并肩作战。二十年后,可以肯定地说霍夫仍然在她短暂停留在霍格沃茨的时候被迷住了。


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