Aimee Copeland,肉食细菌幸存者,分享鼓舞人心的新照片,消息

Aimee Copeland,肉食细菌幸存者,分享鼓舞人心的新照片,消息

Aimee Copeland喜欢她的新身体,她希望每个人都知道它.

Aimee Copeland:’我重生为不同的人’



她在Facebook照片的标题中写道:“我花了很长时间才能适应并接受我的新身体。” “我们都是瑕疵,我们的缺陷有很多美。疤痕和皮肤嫁接构建特征!这不是关于你拥有什么 – 你用你所拥有的是什么才是最重要的.


更多:Aimee Copeland获得新的高科技手


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in different languages. Heres the translation of the text in Simplified Chinese:

    Aimee Copeland喜欢她的新身体,她希望每个人都知道它。在收到肉食细菌的四年后,Copeland声称她在波多黎各的一个海滩张贴了一张新照片,这是一张健康和自信的画面。她在Facebook照片的标题中写道:“我花了很长时间才能适应并接受我的新身体。” “我们都是瑕疵,我们的缺陷有很多美。疤痕和皮肤嫁接构建特征!这不是关于你拥有什么 – 你用你所拥有的是什么才是最重要的。”

    Translation: Aimee Copeland likes her new body and hopes everyone knows about it. Four years after contracting flesh-eating bacteria, Copeland claimed to have posted a new photo on a beach in Puerto Rico, which is a healthy and confident image. In the title of the Facebook photo, she wrote, “It took me a long time to adapt and accept my new body.” “We are all flawed, and our flaws have many beauties. Scars and skin grafts build features! Its not about what you have – its about what you do with what you have that matters.”

    Note: The translation is generated by AI and may not be 100% accurate.

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