80岁时,摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)有一个小小的提示,以保持他的能量

80岁时,摩根·弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)有一个小小的提示,以保持他的能量




摩根·弗里曼告诉Megyn Kelly关于“我们的故事”,“秘书女士”


“我有工作要做。保持忙碌是一回事。这与吃饭有很大关系,你的能量水平在哪里,”他说。 “我尽可能少吃。如果他们吃药,我就吃药。我不会打扰其他的东西。我早上服用一些维生素和补品,然后用抗氧化饮料。“


的确,至少可以这么说。 “我们的故事”探讨了文化以及将人们联系在一起的东西.





“我在第二季中扮演了最高法院的正义,我指导过。我试镜了,”弗里曼说。 “除非你不想让他们试镜,否则你应该让每个人都参加试镜。”

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    In June of this year, Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman celebrated his 80th birthday. But in an era when most people are thinking about playing golf and sleeping late, Freeman has shown no signs of slowing down. He is the producer of “Madam Secretary” on CBS, now in its fourth season. He is also the host of “Our Story,” which premiered on National Geographic on October 11th. Although he is not a morning person (“No!” he says emphatically), Freeman shared the secret of his unforgiving energy with Megyn Kelly. “I have work to do. Keeping busy is one thing. It has a lot to do with where your energy level is,” he said. “I eat as little as possible. If they take pills, I take pills. I dont mess with anything else. I take some vitamins and supplements in the morning and an antioxidant drink.” Obviously, it must be working: “Im still here.” Indeed, at least that can be said. “Our Story” explores culture and things that connect people. “We made a documentary about belief systems. It was very popular. So we were asked, What else can you do for us? Were talking about a persons story,” Freeman said. “The human story sounds like what we want to talk about is evolution. We narrowed it down to the situation in the world today and how people are dealing with it. Thats the origin,” he said. This theme is fitting. Given his rich and resonant voice, Freeman has played God in “Bruce Almighty.” Yes, it doesnt go unnoticed when hes standing in line somewhere or in a public place: “They recognize me or the voice.” But Freeman didnt become famous, or bewildered by his Oscar, for playing “Madam Secretary.” “I played the justice of the Supreme Court in the second season, I directed. I auditioned,” Freeman said. “Unless you dont want them to audition, you should let everyone audition.”

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