





稳定性 Ball workout - 01 Crunches





稳定性 Ball workout - 02 Plank Steps



3. V-sit ups

稳定性 Ball workout - 03 V Sit Ups

类似于常规的V-sit up,你将开始躺在你的背上,稳定球在你的双脚之间。当你用脚抬起球时,你会同时用手嘎吱嘎吱地伸手去拿球。将球从双脚转移到双手并同时降低两者。通过不断将球从脚移到手上来重复此动作.



稳定性 ball rollout



稳定性 Ball workout - 05 heel touches




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    Stability ball is a great tool to incorporate into your workout, especially for core work. Adding stability factor will make your muscles contract more during exercise, making you stronger and your waist slimmer. Challenge your core and build better stability with these quick exercises. Pinned on Pinterest.

    1. Sit-ups: First, lay your lower back on the stability ball. Place your hands behind your head and point your nose towards the ceiling. Its important to remember to squeeze your glutes while doing this exercise. Repeat until your abdominal wall becomes fatigued.

    2. Plank: This exercise is similar to a mountain climber. By placing yourself in a plank position on top of the stability ball, you can force your core to stabilize your weight. Step towards the ball one at a time, keeping your hips parallel to the ground and your core engaged. When taking these steps, make sure not to rotate your hips or shrug your shoulders.

    3. V-sit ups: Similar to regular V-sit ups, you will start by lying on your back with the stability ball between your feet. As you lift the ball with your feet, you will simultaneously reach for the ball with your hands. Transfer the ball from your feet to your hands and lower both at the same time. Repeat this motion by continuously transferring the ball from your feet to your hands.

    4. Push-ups: Starting from your knees, place your hands on the ball in front of you. Slowly push the ball away from your body, keeping your knees in the same position. Roll out as far as possible, keeping your core engaged and your chest facing the ground. Then roll back and repeat. Be careful not to let your hips sag during the exercise.

    5. Heel touch: This exercise is similar to the previously known “suitcase” exercise. First, place the ball between your feet. Balance on your tailbone and lean back at a 45-degree angle. As you bend your knees, try to place the ball as close to your chest as possible and touch your heels with both hands. Continue this in-and-out motion, remembering to keep your chest up. To fully utilize this exercise, repeat at least 20 times each time you exercise. Once you have completed all five, repeat the circuit three to four times to achieve true abdominal fat burning.


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