5个快速方便的饭菜,平坦的腹部 2023



如果你像大多数女人一样,你会永远感到超额预订和过度劳累。这是一个解决方案:快餐由健康,美味的包装食品制成,遵循我们最畅销的“扁平腹部饮食”的规则!这些由Cynthia Sass,MPH,RD,合作者和Flat Belly Diet的创造者开发的这些膳食将让您对更少的卡路里感到满意,这使得减肥更容易而不会感到饥饿。饮食计划(和这些减肥餐)的基石是全能的MUFA.





  • 每天吃四份400卡路里的餐食(以下餐点每餐约400卡路里).

  • 每餐都包含MUFA(我们已经为您完成了 – 每种食谱中都注明了MUFA成分).

  • 吃饭间隔约4小时.

  • 选择营养丰富的食物.


用1汤匙Olivado Avocado Zest Oil(MUFA)淋上一个烤全麦英式松饼。在松饼中加入一个大的荷包蛋,一片减脂瑞士奶酪和一半中等葡萄成熟番茄,切成薄片.



1盎司新鲜切片马苏里拉奶酪配两片梅子西红柿和五片新鲜切片罗勒叶,毛毛雨2汤匙 Le Grand Garden Pesto (MUFA),和一个硬皮全麦卷一起食用.


特克斯 Mex汉堡

用一个黑豆素食汉堡,一片减脂切达干酪,一个烤全麦面包 全鳄梨酱100卡路里零食包 (MUFA)和五圈新鲜红洋葱.



对一 部落鹰嘴豆泥Snacker 用1杯切成红色甜椒,一个4英寸全麦皮塔饼,10个大绿橄榄(MUFA)和1个大梨.



享用一份(酒吧的三分之一) 鸽子蔓越莓杏仁黑巧克力 (MUFA)含1杯无脂牛奶和1/2杯无糖杏干.


  Shannen Doherty在获得肿瘤检测结果后仍然处于缓解期

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Secrets to a Flat Stomach: If youre like most women, youll always feel overbooked and overworked. Heres a solution: fast food made from healthy, delicious packaged foods that follow our best-selling “Flat Belly Diet” rules! These diets, developed by Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, collaborator and creator of the Flat Belly Diet, will make you feel satisfied with fewer calories, making weight loss easier without feeling hungry. The cornerstone of the diet plan (and these weight loss meals) is the all-powerful MUFA. What is MUFA? MUFA is a food rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, healthy fats that have been studied to reduce belly fat and improve overall health. The best part: MUFA is found in rich, delicious foods such as olives, nuts and seeds, oils, avocados, and (yes) dark chocolate. Adding MUFA to every meal is easy; by combining them with our favorite new supermarket products, we are more relaxed. Time-saving foods: Each product has been taste-tested by prevention. In addition to tasting delicious, each meal takes 15 minutes or less to prepare! You will find options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, divided into MUFA categories. To incorporate them into your diet and lose 15 pounds this month, mix and match any of the following meals and follow these four rules, which are part of the Flat Belly Diet: Eat four 400-calorie meals a day (each meal is about 400 calories). Each meal contains MUFA (weve done it for you – each recipe lists MUFA ingredients). Eat about 4 hours apart. Choose nutrient-rich foods. Farm-fresh egg and cheese sandwich: Drizzle 1 tablespoon of Olivado Avocado Zest Oil (MUFA) over a toasted whole wheat English muffin. Add a large poached egg, a slice of reduced-fat Swiss cheese, and half a medium grape-ripe tomato, sliced. Total calories: 387 Tomato and unsalted cheese pesto salad: 1 ounce of fresh sliced ​​mozzarella cheese with two slices of plum tomatoes and five fresh sliced ​​basil leaves, drizzle 2 tablespoons of Le Grand Garden Pesto (MUFA), and eat with a hard crust whole wheat roll. Total calories: 393

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    “Secrets to a Flat Stomach: If youre like most women, youll always feel overbooked and overworked. Heres a solution: fast food made from healthy, delicious packaged foods that follow our best-selling “Flat Belly Diet” rules! These diets, developed by Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, collaborator and creator of the Flat Belly Diet, will make you feel satisfied with fewer calories, making weight loss easier without feeling hungry. The cornerstone of the diet plan (and these weight loss meals) is the all-powerful MUFA. What is MUFA? MUFA is a food rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, healthy fats that have been studied to reduce belly fat and improve overall health. The best part: MUFA is found in rich, delicious foods such as olives, nuts and seeds, oils, avocados, and (yes) dark chocolate. Adding MUFA to every meal is easy; by combining them with our favorite new supermarket products, we are more relaxed. Time-saving foods: Each product has been tasted by a preventive person. In addition to tasting delicious, each meal takes 15 minutes or less to prepare! You will find options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, divided into MUFA categories. To incorporate them into your diet and lose 15 pounds this month, mix and match any of the following meals and follow the four rules that are part of the Flat Belly Diet: Eat four 400-calorie meals a day (each meal is about 400 calories). Each meal contains MUFA (weve done it for you – each recipe lists MUFA ingredients). Eat about 4 hours apart. Choose nutrient-rich foods. Farm-fresh egg and cheese sandwich: Drizzle 1 tablespoon of Olivado Avocado Zest Oil (MUFA) over a toasted whole wheat English muffin. Add a large poached egg, a slice of reduced-fat Swiss cheese, and half a medium grape-ripe tomato, sliced. Total calories: 387 Tomato and unsalted cheese pesto salad: 1 ounce of fresh sliced ​​mozzarella cheese with two slices of plum tomatoes and five fresh sliced ​​basil leaves, drizzle with 2 tablespoons of Le Grand Garden Pesto (MUFA), and eat with a hard crust whole wheat roll. Total calories:

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