

这种似乎已经消灭了吉米卡特肿瘤的新药是癌症治疗革命性方法的一部分。它被称为免疫疗法,其背后的想法是整理身体自身的防御并帮助他们对抗癌症。 Natalie Azar博士帮助解释了这意味着什么.



问: 什么是免疫疗法?

A: 免疫疗法有助于身体自身的免疫系统更加努力地对抗癌细胞。身体对癌症发作的困难时期的一个原因是肿瘤由我们自己的细胞组成。那些细胞以一种允许它们失去控制的方式发生突变。但由于它们是我们自己的细胞,免疫系统可能不会将它们视为需要被摧毁的外来入侵者。一种方法是找到显示免疫系统的方法,即癌细胞是入侵者并且必须被靶向和破坏.


图片: Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter takes questions from the media during a news conference about his recent cancer diagnosis and treatment plans, at the Carter Center in Atlanta
美国前总统吉米·卡特在2015年8月20日在佐治亚州亚特兰大市卡特中心举行的关于他最近的癌症诊断和治疗计划的新闻发布会上接受媒体提问。卡特在周日学校的课堂上讲了他的据“亚特兰大宪法报”周日援引教会成员报道,格鲁吉亚的教会认为他的癌症已经消失。路透社/约翰·阿米斯/档案JOHN AMIS /路透社

问: 吉米卡特的疗法是如何起作用的?

答:癌症躲避身体防御的一种方法是劫持部分免疫系统。在这种情况下,某些蛋白质可以防止它与受损细胞一起攻击正常细胞。研究人员已经了解到,肿瘤可以驱使这些蛋白质,这些蛋白质像一组刹车一样起到抑制身体免疫反应的作用。阻断这些“刹车”的药物可能会增强免疫系统摧毁癌细胞的能力。药物卡特获得了食品和药物管理局的批准,称为Keytruda。 FDA已批准另外两种药物以类似的方式起作用.

问: 谁是这些类型药物的候选人?

A: 这些药物目前用于治疗晚期黑色素瘤和某些类型的晚期肺癌患者。但有证据表明,这种类型的药物可能与膀胱癌,结肠癌,肾癌和某些类型的头颈癌有关.

问: 这种治疗有多成功?

A: 研究表明,30%至40%的晚期黑色素瘤患者对这些药物的反应良好,30%的患者是长期幸存者。当结合不同的免疫疗法治疗时,医生取得了更好的成功 – 在50%到60%之间。但服用多种药物有一个不利因素:副作用更多.


问: 这些药物的价格是多少?

A: 它们非常昂贵,但可能没有您想象的那么昂贵。据黑色素瘤研究基金会称,购买Keytruda的输液中心每月费用为12,000美元,或每位患者每年150,000美元。好消息是,只要您将药物用于批准用途,保险就会涵盖药物.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    This new drug that seems to have eradicated Jimmy Carters tumor is part of a revolutionary cancer treatment method. It is called immunotherapy, and the idea behind it is to harness the bodys own defenses and help them fight cancer. Dr. Natalie Azar helps explain what this means. Here are five things to know about cancer immunotherapy:

    Q: What is immunotherapy?
    A: Immunotherapy helps the bodys own immune system fight cancer cells more effectively. One reason the body has difficulty fighting cancer is that tumors are made up of our own cells. Those cells mutate in a way that allows them to lose control. But because they are our own cells, the immune system may not see them as foreign invaders that need to be destroyed. One approach is to find ways to show the immune system that cancer cells are invaders and must be targeted and destroyed.

    Q: How does Jimmy Carters treatment work?
    A: One way cancer evades the bodys defenses is by hijacking part of the immune system. In this case, certain proteins can prevent it from attacking damaged cells along with normal cells. Researchers have learned that tumors can drive these proteins, which act like a set of brakes, to suppress the bodys immune response. Drugs that block these “brakes” may enhance the immune systems ability to destroy cancer cells. The drug Carter received, called Keytruda, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, as have two other drugs that work in a similar way.

    Q: Who are candidates for these types of drugs?
    A: These drugs are currently used to treat patients with advanced melanoma and certain types of advanced lung cancer. But there is evidence that this type of drug may be associated with bladder cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, and certain types of head and neck cancer.

    Q: How successful is this treatment?
    A: Studies have shown that 30% to 40% of patients with advanced melanoma respond well to these drugs, and 30% of patients are long-term survivors. Doctors have achieved better success – between 50% and 60% – when combining different immunotherapies. But taking multiple drugs has one downside: more side effects.

    Q: How much do these drugs cost?
    A: They are very expensive, but may not be as expensive as you think. According to the Mel

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The article discusses the revolutionary method of cancer treatment called immunotherapy, which helps the bodys immune system fight cancer cells. The article also explains how former US President Jimmy Carters cancer treatment using Keytruda, a drug that blocks proteins that inhibit the immune system, has been successful in treating his cancer. The article also provides information on the candidates for this type of treatment, the success rate, and the cost of the drugs.

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