

当Jennie Landsman的儿子Benny 6个月大时,她注意到他像其他婴儿一样挣扎着坐起来翻身或翻身。担心,她把他带到神经科医生那里.

布兰克林的33岁的Landsman告诉今天,“当Benny没有独自坐起来时,我开始有点担心了。” “直到那时,他一直在正常发展。”

这两个小男孩患有致命的遗传病 – 但可能有希望接受治疗




珍妮 Landsman underwent genetic testing and was surprised to learn she carried Canavan disease.
Jennie Landsman接受了基因检测,并被告知她不是遗传病的携带者。她感到震惊,后来才知道她患有Canavan病. 礼貌Jennie Landsman




甚至 though Canavan disease slowed Benny's normal development, his mom Jennie Landsman says he is social and boisterous.
虽然Canavan疾病减缓了Benny的正常发育,但他的母亲说他是社交和喧闹的.礼貌Jennie Landsman

她也惊讶地发现她是Canavan的载体。十年前,她接受了基因检测,并认为她是安全的。结果表明,她不是阿什肯纳兹犹太人群中常见的遗传病的载体。但是测试可能错过了它或者是假阴性,这就是为什么她认为女性在生孩子之前考虑进行基因检测很重要 – 即使他们过去曾经接受过检测.


“这超出了我们的想象,”她说。 “我完全震惊了。”




“医生告诉我们没有治愈方法。你无能为力 – 只要把它们带回家并爱上它们,“Landsman说.


“我会抓住我宝宝的手,我会哭。 “我要多抱几分钟才能握住宝宝的手?我还能看多少分钟微笑?“”她说.



在四天内,该活动筹集了所需的60万美元中的一半以上。 Landsmans感到不堪一般的支持.


在 August, the Landsmans learned their young sons both had the rare Canavan disease. After feeling hopeless, they decided to devote their energy to finding a cure.
8月,Landsmans了解到他们的小儿子都患有罕见的Canavan病。在感到绝望之后,他们决定投入精力寻找治疗方法.礼貌Jennie Landsman

这笔资金将帮助芝加哥伊利诺伊大学的神经学家Christopher Janson博士测试一小部分Canavan患者的基因治疗,以证明其有效。这种疗法可以让大脑加强髓鞘的产生,这种情况在Canavan患儿中被破坏并导致其不良后果.







“他们是快乐的小家伙,”兰德曼说。 “当你身边的时候,你不能伤心。”

后 discovering their two youngest sons have a rare disease, Jennie and Gary Landsman decided to fundraise to find a cure for them.
在发现他们的两个最小的儿子患有罕见疾病后,Jennie和Gary Landsman决定筹款以找到治愈他们的方法。.礼貌Jennie Landsman


“他开始阅读科幻书籍并以他们可以修复基因的方式来找我…他只是想帮助,”兰德曼说。 “同时令人心潮澎湃和令人心碎。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the story of Jennie Landsman and her two sons who were diagnosed with Canavan disease, a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. Despite being told there was no cure, the Landsman family decided to fundraise and search for a treatment. With the help of donations, they were able to fund a gene therapy trial that could potentially help not only their sons but also others with the disease. The article highlights the importance of genetic testing and the power of community support in finding a cure for rare diseases.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the story of Jennie Landsman and her two sons who were diagnosed with Canavan disease, a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. Despite being told there was no cure, the Landsman family decided to fundraise and search for a treatment. With the help of donations, they were able to fund a gene therapy trial that could potentially help not only their sons but also others with the disease. The article highlights the importance of genetic testing and the power of community support in finding a cure for rare diseases.

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