这个女人改变了她的生活 – 两年内减掉了150磅

这个女人改变了她的生活 – 两年内减掉了150磅

Bri Blank总是超重。她很难适应餐厅的摊位和学校的办公桌,甚至还开始了她最喜欢的游乐园骑行,因为安全带不会弯曲.

虽然她因为体重而面临许多挑战,但她从不动机去做任何事情。她很高兴并且有爱的朋友和家人支持她。然而在2012年1月,布兰克因出于好奇而走上了一个规模 – 然后她才意识到现在是采取行动的时候了.

“我看到了一个我从未想过的数字:我体重306磅,”Blank说,25岁。“那一刻,我知道我需要改变我的生活方式 – 不是为了别人,而是为了我自己和我的健康。 “



在短短两年多的时间里,Blank失去了150磅,而Joy Bauer很高兴欢迎Blank来到Joy Fit俱乐部!

喜悦 Fit Club Before and After
Bri Blank完全改变了她的饮食,减掉了150磅.


“四个月后我减掉了50磅,”布兰克说。 “当我回家度暑假时,我开始为自己锻炼和做饭。”




About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The text discusses Bri Blanks weight loss journey, which began when she realized she weighed 306 pounds and needed to change her lifestyle for her own health. She started by researching healthy food choices in her college cafeteria and counting calories to reduce her intake to 1500 calories per day. She lost 50 pounds in four months and continued to exercise and cook for herself, ultimately losing 150 pounds by October 2013. She now shares her success on social media to inspire others and encourages them to join her weight loss journey.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Simplified Chinese. The text discusses Bri Blanks weight loss journey, which began when she realized she weighed 306 pounds and needed to change her lifestyle for her own health. She started by researching healthy food choices in her college cafeteria and counting calories to reduce her intake to 1500 calories per day. She lost 50 pounds in four months and continued to exercise and cook for herself, ultimately losing 150 pounds by October 2013. She now shares her success on social media to inspire others and encourages them to join her weight loss journey.

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