

经过多年的无意识饮食和与同事一起享受频繁的饮料,Jamie Lanigan意识到她的体重已经膨胀,她在5英尺9英寸的框架上携带近400磅。但是,由于午餐俱乐部和锻炼程序,她减掉了145磅,并期望减掉更多.

33岁的兰尼根告诉今天,“我的最终目标是保持健康,无论规模如何。” “我不是在看我要打的数字。这是整体健康,这是一种生活方式。“



相关:’Spud Fit’:男人一共吃了115磅,只吃土豆一年


杰米 Laingan lost 145 pounds.
经过五年观察她的饮食,参加午餐俱乐部,并且几乎每周都在锻炼,Jamie Laingan减掉了145磅.感谢Jamie Lanigan




杰米 Lanigan lost 145 pounds.
今天,Lanigan满脸笑容!感谢Jamie Lanigan



“午餐俱乐部可以帮助你扩展自己的烹饪曲目,”她说。 “当我在午餐俱乐部做饭时,我会装饰它,我确保我正确地将其打磨。很好玩。它表明你关心。“




“它必须看起来很好并且健康。它必须美味。我不想给人们喂坏食物。这就是让我真正开始做饭的原因。“她说。 “当你为一个人做饭时,你会陷入困境。当你开始为你关心的人扩展它时,你会更加努力。“


杰米 Laingan lost 145 pounds.
这是她为同事准备的众多午餐之一.感谢Jamie Lanigan







杰米 Laingan lost 145 pounds.
每周五到六天Jamie Lanigan工作超过一个小时.感谢Jamie Lanigan








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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English:

    After years of unconscious eating and frequent drinking with colleagues, Jamie Lanigan realized that her weight had ballooned to nearly 400 pounds on her 5-foot-9-inch frame. But thanks to a lunch club and exercise program, she shed 145 pounds and expects to lose more. The 33-year-old told Today, “My ultimate goal is to be healthy, no matter what the scale says. Im not looking at the number I want to hit. Its overall health, its a lifestyle.” Living in Toronto, Lanigan had been gaining weight, but the high-paced advertising industry brought in huge profits. The broken deadlines meant she was loading up on calories quickly and conveniently. After a long day, she often went to the bar with her colleagues. After five years of observing her diet, attending lunch clubs, and exercising almost every week, Jamie Laingan lost 145 pounds. Today, Lanigan is beaming with joy!

    She shares her tips on how to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle:

    1. Cook for others
    Because she wanted her colleagues to enjoy lunch, Lanigan challenged herself. “It has to look good and be healthy. It has to be delicious. I dont want to feed people bad food. Thats why I really started cooking,” she said. “When you cook for one person, you get stuck. When you start expanding it for people you care about, you work harder.” Her colleagues love her zucchini noodle bake, brown rice and black bean bowl, and lemon chicken soup. All her recipes are low-fat, vegetable and whole grain.

    2. Cook with others
    Lanigan and a colleague cook together every week, making their own things and freezing them for lunch and dinner this week. Someone cooking can make Lanigan responsible and make cooking fun.

    3. Seek help
    After quickly losing 50 pounds, Lanigans weight loss stalled. It was then that she turned to a trainer and started exercising. She felt she needed guidance to adjust her image. Years of overweight meant her knees were too long; the trainer helped her correct this. The extra boost encouraged her to make exercise part of her life. Now she exercises five to six times a week for an hour and a half, boxing, lifting weights, and doing yoga.

    4. Give yourself a break

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English:

    After years of unconscious eating and frequent drinking with colleagues, Jamie Lanigan realized that her weight had ballooned to nearly 400 pounds on her 5-foot-9-inch frame. But thanks to a lunch club and exercise program, she shed 145 pounds and expects to lose more. The 33-year-old told Today, “My ultimate goal is to be healthy, no matter what the scale says. Im not looking at the number I want to hit. Its overall health, its a lifestyle.” Living in Toronto, Lanigan had been gaining weight, but the high-paced advertising industry brought in huge profits. The broken deadlines meant she was loading up on calories quickly and conveniently. After a long day, she often went to the bar with her colleagues. After five years of observing her diet, attending lunch clubs, and exercising almost every week, Jamie Laingan lost 145 pounds. Today, Lanigan is beaming with joy!

    She shares her tips on how to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle:

    1. Cook for others
    Because she wanted her colleagues to enjoy lunch, Lanigan challenged herself. “It has to look good and be healthy. It has to be delicious. I dont want to feed people bad food. Thats why I really started cooking,” she said. “When you cook for one person, you get stuck. When you start expanding it for people you care about, you work harder.” Her colleagues love her zucchini noodle bake, brown rice and black bean bowl, and lemon chicken soup. All her recipes are low-fat, vegetable and whole grain.

    2. Cook with others
    Lanigan and a colleague cook together every week, making their own things and freezing them for lunch and dinner this week. Someone cooking can make Lanigan responsible and make cooking fun.

    3. Seek help
    After quickly losing 50 pounds, Lanigans weight loss stalled. It was then that she turned to a trainer and started exercising. She felt she needed guidance to adjust her image. Years of overweight meant her knees were too long; the trainer helped her correct this. The extra boost encouraged her to make exercise part of her life. Now she exercises five to six times a week for an hour and a half, boxing, lifting weights, and doing yoga.

    4. Give yourself a break

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