防止离婚的10个提示 2023


经过多年收集关于处理婚姻,分居和离婚的最佳和最差方式的故事,编辑们在 离婚杂志 已决定提供一些关于离婚预防的最佳建议。这10条建议可能会帮助您达到想要与当前配偶一起解决问题的程度,或者它们将帮助您建立下一段关系。无论哪种方式,这个建议值得一读.

1每天花时间与你的配偶亲切联系. 一对夫妇可以通过每天只花15分钟专门给彼此带来显着提高婚姻成功的机会。例如,你可以早点醒来,花更多的时间在床上拥抱,做爱,并重申你对彼此的爱。每天花些时间与对方进行有意义的对话;以与约会时相同的强度倾听;触摸,拥抱,表达感情;告诉对方你对婚姻的看法;并谈谈你的婚姻和生活目标.

2: 定期称赞你的配偶 – 无论是私下还是在别人面前. 即使你的伴侣一开始看起来很尴尬或耸耸肩,真诚赞美的光芒也会持续很长时间.

3以他/她想要被爱的方式爱你的配偶. 我们经常犯错误,认为最深刻触动我们心灵的事物会以同样的方式影响我们的伴侣。例如,您可能认为红玫瑰是完美的礼物,但对于您的配偶来说,它们代表着浪费金钱和过敏的攻击。如果你还不知道,找出你的配偶所渴望的东西,然后用爱来传递它 – 而且没有评论在客厅地板/金枪鱼砂锅上想要无绳电钻/野餐是多么“愚蠢” 。记住:最好的礼物是你的配偶想要的东西 – 不仅仅是你想让他/她拥有的东西.

4: 照顾好你的外表. 为你的配偶尽力而为。丢掉他/她讨厌的破烂的运动裤或磨损的毛衣;你可以找到其他舒适的衣服,这对你的伴侣来说并不完全是关闭。这也意味着要照顾好自己的健康,包括正确饮食和定期锻炼.

保持忠诚. Finnegan Alford-Cooper博士研究了已结婚50年或以上的576对夫妇; 1998年,她在书中公布了她的发现 对于Keeps:持续一生的婚姻. 在她的研究中,她发现95%的配偶同意忠诚对成功婚姻至关重要,94%的人同意或强烈同意婚姻是对一个人的长期承诺。而这些“生活者”并没有做出最坏的事情:她调查的高达90%的夫妇说他们在50多年后幸福地结婚了。.

6一起做事. 长期幸福婚姻的另一个常见因素是配偶经常一起做事,他们觉得有趣和令人兴奋。无论是交谊舞,保龄球,扑克牌,SCUBA潜水还是滑雪,都参加至少一项您每周都喜欢的活动。如果您有孩子,请确保这些活动中至少有一半仅适用于您和您的配偶.

7花时间分开. 当你的配偶打曲棍球时,你会参加陶艺课程;你玩桥牌,你的伴侣收集邮票。你不必爱你的伴侣喜欢的一切,但你必须让他/她有自由去追求珍惜的爱好。另外一个好处是,不同的利益可以产生你们之间的兴趣.

8和你的伴侣成为朋友. 约翰•戈特曼(John Gottman)是一位心理学教授,他声称自己的研究将以91%的准确率预测一对夫妇是否会在一起 – 说婚姻幸福和成功的关键是友谊。这种友谊的一些最重要的方面是彼此亲密地相互了解,每天表现出对彼此的感情和尊重,并真正地享受彼此的陪伴。戈特曼的研究结果基于25年的婚姻研究,他在他的书中提到过 婚姻工作的七项原则.

9Endearment条款. 洛杉矶顶级离婚律师Stacy D. Phillips说,鲜花,糖果,卡片和礼物都是爱的美妙标记,但如果你真的希望你的浪漫能够持久,你必须练习一些节约婚姻的步骤。她建议夫妇在年度合同中详细说明他们关系的基础知识 – 或至少澄清一下。 “大多数分手婚姻的争议都是针对性和金钱的,”她说。 “不要让意外事故导致麻烦。婚姻就像任何其他合同一样:必须审查和更新其条款和条件。”

10每天说“我爱你”. 当你没有感受到爱的感觉时,这一点尤其重要;在这些时候,你必须积极地生成它。说出这三个小词,表演爱心的姿势,会温暖你和你配偶的心.


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    After years of collecting stories about the best and worst ways to handle marriage, separation, and divorce, the editors of Divorce Magazine have decided to offer some of the best advice on divorce prevention. These 10 tips may help you achieve the level of problem-solving you want with your current spouse, or they may help you build your next relationship. Either way, this advice is worth reading.

    1: Spend time every day being affectionate with your spouse. A couple can significantly improve their chances of marital success by spending just 15 minutes a day dedicated to each other. For example, you can wake up earlier, spend more time in bed hugging, making love, and reiterating your love for each other. Spend some time every day engaging in meaningful conversations with each other; listen with the same intensity as you would on a date; touch, hug, express emotions; tell each other your views on marriage; and talk about your marriage and life goals.

    2: Regularly compliment your spouse – whether in private or in front of others. Even if your partner initially looks awkward or shrugs it off, sincere praise will shine through for a long time.

    3: Love your spouse in the way he/she wants to be loved. We often make the mistake of thinking that the things that touch our hearts most deeply will affect our partners in the same way. For example, you may think that red roses are the perfect gift, but for your spouse, they represent a waste of money and an allergic attack. If you dont already know, find out what your spouse craves and then deliver it with love – and without comments about how stupid it is to want a cordless drill/picnic on the living room floor/tuna casserole. Remember: the best gift is what your spouse wants – not just what you want him/her to have.

    4: Take care of your appearance. Do your best for your spouse. Get rid of the raggedy sweatpants or worn-out sweater he/she hates; you can find other comfortable clothes that arent a complete turnoff for your partner. This also means taking care of your own health, including eating right and exercising regularly.

    5: Stay faithful. Dr. Finnegan Alford-Cooper studied 576 couples who had been married for 50 years or more; in 1998,

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