




今年的油炸黄油入口是39岁的达拉斯居民Abel Gonzales Jr.的创意,他曾为德克萨斯炸饼干面团,油炸花生酱,果冻和香蕉三明治以及油炸可乐食谱参加过去的州公平竞赛。.


为了制作油炸黄油,如果你愿意的话,黄油本身需要有一层外涂层或外壳 – 能够承受深油炸锅冒泡的坩埚.

“我的意思是,黄油本身味道不好,”冈萨雷斯说。 “没有人只是抓住一根黄油并吃掉它。这将是严重的。“



“当你品尝它时,它确实像黄油热卷一样,”德克萨斯州州博览会发言人Sue Gooding说。 “味道很棒。”

“这就像是饼干或羊角面包之间的混合,只是在里面塞满了黄油鳃,”Gonzales说。 “我认为这是描述它的最佳方式。”


“不仅如此,我认为这将有点过分,”冈萨雷斯说。 “有点太富有了。”



  • 绿妖精: 樱桃辣椒塞满了辣鸡丝和鳄梨调味酱,经过打磨,油炸和覆盖着queso.
  • 棒上的扭曲山药: 螺旋切碎的红薯,串烧,然后在黄油中滚动,撒上肉桂和糖.
  • 弗尼的油炸桃子和奶油: 配有香草奶油糖霜,可浸泡.
  • 德克萨斯炸山核桃馅饼: 一种迷你山核桃馅饼,经过油炸,配以焦糖酱,搅打奶油和切碎的蜜饯山核桃.
  • 国家炸猪排: 将炸好的薄切片猪腰肉油炸,并配以番茄酱或奶油汁的两面.
  • 甜墨西哥胡椒玉米狗虾: 虾仁放在棍子上,涂上甜辣的玉米面糊,油炸后加入辛辣的釉料.
  • Fried Peanut Butter Cup Macaroon: 一个花生酱杯包裹在椰子蛋白杏仁饼干里面,油炸,然后撒上糖粉.

在劳动节,所有八个创作都被评为最佳品味和最具创意。冈萨雷斯为Most Creative的炸黄油打造了一个奖杯,Christi Erpillo凭借她的桃子和奶油创作获得了最佳品味奖.

就他而言,冈萨雷斯在过去的五年里因其饼干面团,可口可乐,PBJ和香蕉三明治和黄油发明而赢得了四次。他仍然有点惊讶于他在去年的创作中没有赢得任何东西,他称之为Fire and Ice。那个复杂的菜肴包括油炸菠萝块,上面放着草莓,草莓酱和 – 这里是踢球 – 香蕉味的鲜奶油在液氮中快速冷冻.

“当你呼气时,烟雾会从你的鼻子或嘴里冒出来,”冈萨雷斯说。 “孩子们真的很喜欢它。这是值得一看的。“

今年,冈萨雷斯决定用一种不会pu dish的菜来回归基础.




不,珍妮弗佩雷拉说,他是德克萨斯州阿灵顿附近的注册营养师。 Pereira坚信节食和健康饮食的“无坏食物”方法,他说人们偶尔挥霍他们真正喜欢的食物并不是一件坏事。.

“国家博览会每年只举行一次,”佩雷拉说。 “我强烈建议人们不要狂欢。不要增加你的饥饿感,这样你就可以吃到所有东西了。选择一些你真正喜欢的东西,品尝它们,并在你感到满意时停止进食。“

Pereira指出,所有食物都含有一些营养 – 甚至是Gonzales的油炸黄油菜.

“油炸黄油含有脂肪,你需要一些脂肪,”她说。 “面团会有一些碳水化合物. …


冈萨雷斯知道他的油炸发明并不健康 – 但他也知道他们很有趣。 “这些是特殊时期的特殊食品,”他说。 “这个展览会是成年人再次成为孩子的一年中的一次. …

“那里有很多人没有在我正在做的事情中获得乐趣。我收到了一些人说的电子邮件,“你是一个威胁!”但是你知道,如果你真的注重健康,那么总会有其他选择。你不必拥有它。 ……我告诉人们这不是健康的食物。小心一点。适度考虑。绝对可以锻炼身体。吃沙拉。“


对于冈萨雷斯来说,在过去七年如此庞大的国家博览会上成为如此成功的特许经营者已经为一定程度的财务自由铺平了道路 – 以至于他最近辞去了14年的计算机分析师日常工作.

“这很有趣,因为在州博览会上就是这样 与计算机分析师相反,“他说。 “我终于弄明白我在错误的领域。 ……我真的很幸运 – 真的,真的很幸运。我可以在一年中的三个星期内这样做,这就是它。“

他的公平创作往往是高度劳动密集型的,每年他的整个家庭 – 父母,姐妹,阿姨,叔叔,表兄弟,侄女和侄子 – 在9月底和10月的整个过度繁忙的公平疯狂中帮助他。.

“这就像一个小家庭团聚,”冈萨雷斯说。 “我们在展会期间都表示赞同。”



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Okay, support yourself, because a new fried food project has been invented so boldly, so shamelessly, and so brazenly that it will surely take your breath away. This invention is none other than fried butter. Thats right. This artery-clogging, heart-breaking dish is one of eight new fried concoctions that were unveiled at the Texas State Fair later this month. Every year, fair concessionaires try to outdo themselves with recipes that, if they become a regular staple in your diet, could put you in competition with heart disease experts. The competition has become so fierce that fair officials call the exhibition grounds the “Texas Fried Food Capital.” This years fried butter entry is the brainchild of 39-year-old Dallas resident Abel Gonzales Jr., who has entered past state fair competitions with recipes for Texas fried cookie dough, fried peanut butter, jelly and banana sandwiches, and fried Coke. (Thats right. Fried Coke.) To make fried butter, the butter itself needs to have an outer coating or shell – a crucible that can withstand the bubbling of a deep fryer. “I mean, butter itself doesnt taste good,” Gonzales said. “No one just grabs a stick of butter and eats it. That would be serious.” So heres what Gonzales did: He took 100% pure butter, whipped it until it was light and fluffy, froze it, and then wrapped it in dough. Then he dropped the dough ball filled with butter into the deep fryer. For purists who just want the taste of pure butter, Gonzales offers a pure butter version of his creation. For those who want more flavor, he also offers three other versions with flavored butter: garlic, grape, or cherry. “When you taste it, it really does taste like a hot roll with butter,” Texas State Fair spokeswoman Sue Gooding said. “Its really good.” “Its like a cross between a biscuit or croissant, only its stuffed with butter gills,” Gonzales said. “I think thats the best way to describe it.” Orders for fried butter come on a small cardboard boat with three to four piping hot dough balls. “Not only that, I think its going to be a little over the top,” Gonzales said. “A little too rich.” Pork

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Okay, support yourself, because a new fried food project has been invented so boldly, so shamelessly, and so brazenly that it will surely take your breath away. This invention is none other than fried butter. Thats right. This artery-clogging, heart-breaking dish is one of eight new fried concoctions that were unveiled at the Texas State Fair later this month. Every year, fair concessionaires try to outdo themselves with recipes that, if they become a regular staple in your diet, could put you in competition with heart disease experts. The competition has become so fierce that fair officials call the exhibition grounds the “Texas Fried Food Capital.” This years fried butter entry is the brainchild of 39-year-old Dallas resident Abel Gonzales Jr., who has entered past state fair competitions with recipes for Texas fried cookie dough, fried peanut butter, jelly and banana sandwiches, and fried Coke. (Thats right. Fried Coke.) To make fried butter, the butter itself needs to have an outer coating or shell – a crucible that can withstand the bubbling of a deep fryer. “I mean, butter itself doesnt taste good,” Gonzales said. “No one just grabs a stick of butter and eats it. That would be serious.” So heres what Gonzales did: He took 100% pure butter, whipped it until it was light and fluffy, froze it, and then wrapped it in dough. Then he dropped the dough ball filled with butter into the deep fryer. For purists who just want the taste of pure butter, Gonzales offers a pure butter version of his creation. For those who want more flavor, he also offers three other versions with flavored butter: garlic, grape, or cherry. “When you taste it, it really does taste like a hot roll with butter,” Texas State Fair spokeswoman Sue Gooding said. “Its really good.” “Its like a cross between a biscuit or croissant, only its stuffed with butter gills,” Gonzales said. “I think thats the best way to describe it.” Orders for fried butter come on a small cardboard boat with three to four piping hot dough balls. “Not only that, I think its going to be a little over the top,” Gonzales said. “A little too rich.” Pork

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