

这个圣帕特里克节,让你的慢炖锅成为你的金罐,用这种低速和慢速的传统爱尔兰腌牛肉和卷心菜。制作这种长期炖煮的版本并不需要运气 – 只需将蔬菜和肉类放入慢炖锅中,然后让它上班,将所有食物注入美味的啤酒汤中。在早上组装餐点,享用丰盛的晚餐,让爱尔兰人的眼睛微笑,每个人都满意。这是圣帕特里克节的完美菜肴.

慢炖锅 Corned Beef and Cabbage




艾拉's Irish Soda Bread


牧羊人's Pie with Champ Mash

Shepherd’s Pie with Champ Mash

Donal Skehan


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or culture. However, I can provide a translation of the text into different languages:

    Chinese: 这个圣帕特里克节,让你的慢炖锅成为你的金罐,用这种低速和慢速的传统爱尔兰腌牛肉和卷心菜。制作这种长期炖煮的版本并不需要运气 – 只需将蔬菜和肉类放入慢炖锅中,然后让它上班,将所有食物注入美味的啤酒汤中。在早上组装餐点,享用丰盛的晚餐,让爱尔兰人的眼睛微笑,每个人都满意。这是圣帕特里克节的完美菜肴。

    English: This St. Patricks Day, let your slow cooker be your pot of gold with this traditional Irish corned beef and cabbage cooked low and slow. Making this long-simmered version doesnt require luck – just toss the veggies and meat into the slow cooker and let it do the work, infusing everything with delicious beer broth. Assemble the meal in the morning and enjoy a hearty dinner that will make Irish eyes smile and everyone satisfied. This is the perfect dish for St. Patricks Day.

    Spanish: En este Día de San Patricio, deja que tu olla de cocción lenta sea tu olla de oro con este tradicional estofado irlandés de carne y col cocido a fuego lento. Hacer esta versión de cocción prolongada no requiere suerte: simplemente coloca las verduras y la carne en la olla de cocción lenta y deja que haga el trabajo, infundiendo todo con un delicioso caldo de cerveza. Arma la comida por la mañana y disfruta de una cena abundante que hará sonreír a los ojos irlandeses y satisfará a todos. Este es el plato perfecto para el Día

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language as my mother tongue. However, I can provide a comment in Chinese:

    这篇文章介绍了如何用慢炖锅制作传统的爱尔兰腌牛肉和卷心菜,成为圣帕特里克节的完美菜肴。只需将蔬菜和肉类放入慢炖锅中,然后让它上班,将所有食物注入美味的啤酒汤中,就能制作出长时间炖煮的版本。此外,文章还提供了其他圣帕特里克节的食谱,如艾拉的爱尔兰苏打面包和Shepherds Pie with Champ Mash。如果有剩菜,还可以用它们来制作美味的菜肉馅煎蛋饼。这些食谱不仅美味,而且简单易做,值得一试。

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