麦当劳有一个新的叮当声 – 这是疯狂的吸引力

麦当劳有一个新的叮当声 – 这是疯狂的吸引力




“早餐的声音”(不,它不是由Simon和Garfunkel编写的)是与歌曲作者名人堂成员Roger Greenaway合作创作的,他写了着名的“我想买世界可乐”这首歌.

麦当劳的一位发言人告诉TODAY Food,新的叮当声是为了让听众感觉他们即将享用新鲜的早餐 – 伴随着可听见的烹饪声音,鸡蛋开裂,火腿嘶嘶声和整个烤面包上的黄油刮。除了烹饪原声带之外,简单的歌词如“加拿大培根正在炙手可热,新鲜制作的鸡蛋麦克马芬正在路上……醒来,醒醒!”帮助为爵士乐曲调奠定基调.

麦当劳's Egg McMuffin celebrates 45 years.


但如果你正在寻找一个真正的交易,麦当劳将通过新的促销更进一步。金色拱门连锁店与社交媒体影响者合作推广视频,并让追随者有机会赢取一年的免费早餐。一些抽奖活动在周日结束,但如果你想要免费食物(谁不是?),请查看Cassie Diamond的Instagram以获取规则。她的比赛将于5月25日星期五结束,10位亚军得主将赢得一张黑胶唱片.





Egg McMuffins现在已经足够了.

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    McDonalds has just brought back some important retro vibes with their new Egg McMuffin celebration. They are offering a year of free breakfast to some lucky people in response to the new jam on social media. In an era where fashion lyrics and robot mixes begin to blur, McDonalds created an attractive jingle to commemorate the 45-year-old most famous breakfast sandwich. “The sound of breakfast” (no, its not written by Simon and Garfunkel) was co-written with songwriters Hall of Fame member Roger Greenaway, who wrote the famous “Id like to buy the world a Coke” song. A McDonalds spokesperson told TODAY Food that the new jingle is designed to make listeners feel like they are about to enjoy a fresh breakfast – with audible cooking sounds, cracking eggs, sizzling ham, and butter scraping on the entire toasted bread. In addition to the cooking soundtrack, simple lyrics like “Canadian bacon is hot, fresh-made Egg McMuffin is on the way… Wake up, wake up!” help set the tone for the jazz music. McDonalds Egg McMuffin celebrates 45 years. If you already want a breakfast sandwich, youre lucky because most McDonalds restaurants serve breakfast all day. But if youre looking for a real deal, McDonalds will go further with new promotions. The Golden Arches chain teamed up with social media influencers to promote videos and give followers a chance to win a year of free breakfast. Some sweepstakes end on Sunday, but if you want free food (who isnt?), check out Cassie Diamonds Instagram for rules. Her contest ends on Friday, May 25th, and 10 runners-up will win a vinyl record. Participants can also enter by checking out the fast-food chains Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook accounts and leaving a comment on their jingle post about their favorite Mickey D breakfast item. Dont forget to tag your friends. Celebrate McDonalds breakfast with our brand new retro-style jingle! Classic and unforgettable, just like the Egg McMuffin with fresh-cracked eggs. Although eating fast food every day of the year may not be the healthiest choice in the world (even if its a kale burger), this contest is one of the biggest chain restaurants in recent years. McDonalds has also been trying to create healthier options

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